Saturday, May 22, 2010

ICE Chief Betrays American People and American Laws

ICE Chief: “I May Not Process Illegals from AZ


Promoting More Lawlessness and Disorder… or Pouring Gas on an Already Burning Fire… On Purpose?

As anyone knows who is paying attention at all, Arizona passed a law that mirrors the Federal law of the United States of America a few weeks back, sparked by the murder of a local rancher who was killed on his own property by illegal aliens. (See: American Patrol for the Latest in Arizona – Including info on DHS abandoning Crime Scene after Rancher Bob Krentz’s murder.) Arizona is over-run with illegals, drug runners and violence. 83% of all Americans, including Hispanic Americans and legal Hispanic immigrants. 65% of Americans believe that all states have the right to pass their own immigration laws. 73% of Democrats believe the Feds need to enforce the Federal immigration laws. And 74% of Americans believe that anyone should be stopped and asked for proper ID if suspected of being here in our Country illegally. (In case you don’t know this… all ‘legal’ immigrants are required to carry their ‘green cards’ at all times and to produce them whenever asked by authorities. So why is that required of people who followed the rules and came here legally but too degrading to people who are here illegally breaking our laws?  Also, I do not know a single legal alien, from any country, who feels put upon to have to carry or show their ID if asked; that attitude is usually created by a belief of entitlement, like La Raza who think this should be their land, or the fear of criminals.)

Americans are being had and ignored by the Progressives in power, including President Obama, again. Just yesterday, they allowed the President of Mexico, Calderon, to rip America and her laws in a joint session of Congress to the clapping of Dems, jumping to their feet (Anyone who stood and clapped for this needs to go!).  This after Calderon did the same in a White House Speech the day before, when Obama agreed with him and said “we are a country without borders”. Really?, what country does he live in?? As Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona said, “We are a country of laws that aren’t being enforced, and a country without secured borders is like a house without walls.” For too long, Americans have sat by watching their laws and their will ignored… but when the president allows the head of another country to admonish his country and attack their laws and then agrees with him and protects him from the press… it is time to demand an explanation and a change!!

No Country in the world allows their borders to be unsecured because it will destroy their sovereignty, economy, beliefs and allow infiltration by any group or person that chooses to attack them. Knowing that, it must raise questions in every clear thinking American’s mind as to the real agenda of those in power and our government. The securing of our borders years ago would have kept us safer. Sovereignty is what makes a land area a country and is critical to the survival of a nation.  But even looking at issues of population control and so-called “global warming” that will cost Americans billions if not trillions, more jobs and their way of life if the Progressive liberals who are pushing both amnesty and cap and trade… whatever they are calling it today, have their way; we would be having a completely different discussion, had we just enforced our laws!

Ice Chief: I May Not Process Illegals from AZ…

In the midst of an outcry over illegal immigration and Arizona's new crackdown, a top Department of Homeland Security official visiting Chicago on Wednesday said his agency intended to step up enforcement in places such as Illinois.

John Morton, who heads U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, said his agency intends to expand the Secure Communities initiative, which gives police and sheriff's departments access to a Homeland Security database that includes fingerprints. The initiative recently grew to include most of Chicago's suburbs.
Morton, a former prosecutor, also said the agency intends to increase scrutiny of employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
"If we're going to bring about meaningful changes in behavior, you have to do that by focusing on the employer," he said during a meeting with the Tribune editorial board.

Morton said the government's stepped-up enforcement would result in a "sharp increase" in deportations this year. Last year's 400,000 overall deportations were a record, but this year there has already been a 40 percent jump in deportations of criminals, he said.
Echoing comments by President Barack Obama and others in the administration, Morton said that Arizona's new law targeting illegal immigration is not "good government." The law makes it a crime to be in the state illegally and requires police to check suspects for immigration paperwork.  Read The Full Article

Immigration Laws: Read to the bottom or you will miss the message...

1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools.
2. All ballots will be in this nation's language.
3. All government business will be conducted in our language.
4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here, including local elections.
5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office.
6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported.
7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage.
8. If foreigners come here and buy land; options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country, and most property, although purchased, will ultimately revert to be being the property of Mexico.
9. Foreigners may have no protests; no demonstrations, no waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation.
10. If you do come to this country ‘illegally’, you will be actively hunted and when caught, sent to jail, until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you.

These (above) are the Immigration Laws of the Country of Mexico

Mexico has the toughest immigration laws in our hemisphere. They are strictly enforced against the Guatemalans on Mexico’s southern border. They say the Guatemalans come into Mexico because they work for wages that are too cheap which brings the Mexican economy down. Hmmm?!? Guatemalans are jailed and brutalized if caught illegally entering Mexico.  Yet today Mexico complains if we try to stop them from doing the same to us. What hypocrites!!!!


This sign says:  Give Us Free:  Healthcare, jobs, no taxes, a house, food… You owe us, America!  We will shoot more police in Arizona until we get (not sure if this means “are”, get this all, or both) free.  …Really??  If you tried this in Mexico, they’d throw you into jail and lost the key… or worse!! Remember Mexico’s Immigration Laws -  Wake-up America!!

In addition, major Hispanic groups like La Raza (an Obama supporter) and other radical groups as well as high profile Hispanic leaders and scores of illegals have shown their hand and their true goal in this video: L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.


Immigration Highway Between Mexico and Arizona

Video: Sarah Palin, Jan Brewer: Devastating Ad on Arizona Law  

The lies and purposeful misinterpretation of what the Arizona Immigration law is and states [PDF] SENATE BILL 1070 continues and is really amazing in its scope! It is being pushed and portrayed by federal government officials including Attorney General Eric Holder, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and even President Obama… (none of which had read the bill before making their statements.) and their Hollywood minions. The law mirrors the U.S. Federal law that they refuse to enforce. Soros disciple and an Assistant Secretary of State Mike Posner even went to China: State Department Hasn’t Read AZ Law But Apologizes to China? Amazing… we apologize to China (one of the biggest human and animal rights abusers in the world) for protecting our borders under the guise of possible human rights violations and discrimination in a law that is none of their business, that mirrors federal law, that is cream puff legislation in comparison to that of Mexico… the home of the majority of our violators, and that specifically disallows what they are claiming or apologizing for.

Our 50 states are to be the United States of America. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And, to continue the freedoms we enjoy, our nation must be secured, protected from potential enemies and threats from within—and—without. Quite frankly, those lofty yet pragmatic goals and ideals are not possible without a secure border. Click here to read this story.


Need at t-shirt to show your support for Arizona? - Click Here to Visit the Store

On a side note… there are reports from many sources (do your homework) that the American government or groups being supported by the American government are involved in the drug and gun trade… bringing drugs into America and then supplying and trading in guns that go south. Yet they continuously use the “gang and cartel” gun trade scenario as their reason to enact stricter gun control laws and take away one of our most basic rights… the right to defend ourselves through the 2nd Amendment. It has also been proven that only 10% of all guns used in Mexico, from whatever source, originate in the United States. However Obama perpetuates the Myth that ‘90% of Mexico’s Weapons come from the U.S. Let us all remember Thomas Jefferson’s words: “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against the tyranny in government.” As the federal government is getting ready to unleash a “special force” on American soil right before the November 2010 election and Tea Party members, for example, have been warned in recent days that members of Andy Stern's SEIU union and members of the organization formerly known as ACORN plan to infiltrate Tea Party gatherings in order to incite some sort of incident that could result in armed conflict, our second amendment right and the words and history of the founding founders, that has meticulously been re-written by the Progressive movement over the past 90-years needs to be pondered. Obama’s latest Supreme Court nominee, Kagan, is anti-gun… anti-second amendment, pro-amnesty, yet Arizona GOP Senator Jon Kyl said he doesn’t think they will filibuster??? (Checkout:  DC Cops in Cahoots with SEIU Thugs)

It's not about Right vs. Left, Liberal vs. Conservative, Republican vs. Democrat. It's about supporting the U.S. Constitution!


Our greatest enemy is lack of knowledge by our citizens: of the law, of current events, of the Constitution, of true U.S. history and even of the Bible plus the constant bombardment of secular and mind-numbing media, anti-religious messages and revisionism of our history.

When your children and grandchildren ask you where you were and what you were doing when the United States imploded… what will you say?

The information is still available… but the Progressives are actively scrubbing the Internet regularly and fighting to pass legislation to control it (as well as conservative media of all types), by making the Internet a Public Utility, Net Neutrality or Localism… whatever it takes. Obama is already by-passing the White House Press Corps and creating his own in-house media group to most recently promote SCOTUS nominee Elana Kagan and to release slanted WH news bites…  This is 100% against the vision of the job of the press by our Founding Fathers. The press was to be a 4th check and balance on the system.

Our conflicts are all intertwined… It is just a matter of doing the research understanding non-revisionist history and the bigger goal!

It is time for all Americans to wake-up!

“Remember… Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction” …Ronald Reagan

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