Monday, May 10, 2010

Gov't Moving to Make Broadband a Public Utility… On Route to…

The Government is Stifling Free Speech from the Inside Out - Video

Yes, Our Government Is Moving To Take Over the Internet By Making It a Public Utility…  On Route to Controlling all Dissent on the Internet (Conservative Blogs of Their Choice) and Then Conservative Radio and Fox News

(Who does this kind of thing? Dictators – Please Stand-up America while you still can)

The first things all dictators do is take over communication, take away guns and anyway for people to defend themselves and to squelch freedom of speech.

Obama Attacks Blogs, iPods, X-Boxes

HAMPTON, Virginia — US President Barack Obama lamented Sunday that in the iPad and Xbox era, information had become a diversion that was imposing new strains on democracy, in his latest critique of modern media.  (Do not be fooled this, it is a distraction as they move to takeover the Internet by making it a Public Utility… and net extending their power and oversight to Conservative Blogs, Conservative Radio and Fox Cable News, squelching all open dissent of their policies)

Obama, who often chides journalists and cable news outlets for obsessing with political horse race coverage rather than serious issues, told a class of graduating university students that education was the key to progress.

"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.
"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, -- none of which I know how to work -- information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama said.

He bemoaned the fact that "some of the craziest claims can quickly claim traction," in the clamor of certain blogs and talk radio outlets.

"All of this is not only putting new pressures on you, it is putting new pressures on our country and on our democracy."
Obama, who uses the handful of Commencement addresses that he delivers each year to meditate on societal developments broader than the minutiae of everyday politics, warned the world was at a moment of "breathtaking change."

"We can't stop these changes... but we can adapt to them," Obama said, adding that US workers were in a battle with well-educated foreign workers.

"Education... can fortify you, as it did earlier generations, to meet the tests of your own time," he said.

Education can fortify us, if it is filled with truth and is well-rounded, which is no longer happening in public schools or through the media.  Obama is right… that we have let ourselves and children become slaves to electronics, senseless diversions and noise and propaganda controlled by outside sources.  “They” have convinced us that our children need cell phones for safety, when texting, sexting, and continuous input from sources you , as a parent, cannot monitor.  In reality the stealing of their minds and thoughts is a much bigger danger than the horrendous but rare emergency stalled or countered by their electronic leash and controller. 

The best thing you could do is step back 20-years in time and get off the electronic control of your life and that of your children, but not because Big Brother mandates it and controls in the information you do get even further.  If you ever considered getting involved and joining the fight…. stop them the government now from controlling your information.  Had there not been Google and Twitter… nobody would have known what was happening when the Iranian people tried to stand up against the regime,  they cut email and control the media.  Don’t let that be our future.

-->>  Watch the Obama Speech Video here. <<--

This week alone, and it is only Monday, they (our Big Brother Progressive Gov’t) are going after Freedom of Speech and the Press in a big way, more legislation has been introduced to put Patriotic American on ‘watchlists’ and invoke more gun control just as leftist groups are being bused in to continue agitating the AZ law and immigration issue as some are pushing the takeover of southern states by Mexico (including an LA teacher caught on tape) and they are considering dropping Miranda Rights for American Citizens; stories were released over the weekend about Seniors no longer being allowed to pray before their ‘federally provided’ meals at a Senior Center, and a young girl being berated by her teacher for drawing the American Flag during a free draw art project.  And just heard that Obama Administration just eased the path for Airline and Rail workers to unionize… more unionization.  Is that really what we need?   Must major union pension funds are under funded or even bankrupt. Just look at Greece

Do not think for a moment that all these things are not connect, for they are… they are all part of the bigger Progressive Plan to move us (the US and the world)  toward Global Government and to take away our ability to stand-up for ourselves, get a variety of perspectives of news and information, and to speak out and fight back as we lose more and more freedoms and the government grabs more and more power.

Wake-up America… your kids’ heads are being filled with anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-God and changed history and the NEU had made Rules of Radicals required reading.  Your ability to speak up, receive news and information and to fight back are being taken away daily.

You can no longer ignore what is going on and claim you are not responsible for the what is going on~

“Breathtaking change is taking place at a breathtaking pace” …Barack Obama

The biggest mistake of the Jews under ‘the Reich’ is that they did not stand-up! If we do not learn from history we are all destined to repeat it!!

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