Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Glenn Beck in his usual wise and perceptive way reminds us that while we have lost the health care battle, we can still win the war. Of course, he is quick to add that this must not be a violent war, but rather a war to be won or lost at the ballot box.

The next big battle takes place in November. Glenn urges us to educate ourselves about the issues, spread the word to others... and then, mobilized as never before, get involved in local and national campaigns. Words and signs will not be enough. We have to roll up our sleeves, open up our pocket books and get our candidates elected... a strong wake up call and plan of action for today... but what about tomorrow?

The midterm election is of monumental importance, but even with victory it will not end the war. The power of the "enemy" must not be underestimated. The left is energized and determined, and as we have seen, willing to do whatever it takes to get their way. They have been working on this socialist/Marxist takeover for a hundred years... and regardless of how the near term elections come out, they will not go away. There will be many more battles in our future. The events of today are also a wake up call for tomorrow.

But what about tomorrow? What's our plan for future battles? What will it take to ultimately win the war? More of the same energy and commitment... of course. But to prevail long-term we will need a more complete and comprehensive plan.

The plan must give us a way to develop and maintain overwhelming strength in numbers for each and every election. Elections are won by a majority and it must be ours if we are to secure lasting freedom in America. It's just that simple.

Unfortunately, as it stands now, over the long haul we appear to be on track to lose a majority of voters. Young people are increasingly turning socialist. A recent Rasmussen poll of 1000 unselected adults dramatically reflected this trend. A striking 33% of adults under age 30 favored socialism over free-enterprise capitalism. Why is this so...and what can we do about it?

There is little question that indoctrination in our schools, and particularly in our colleges and universities, is a significant factor. And the influence of our intensely left-wing media cannot be denied. Further, the economic pressure of the current recession, no doubt contributes. But there is something else... something more basic that underlies it all.

Independent, self-reliant and responsible "can do" people built America and made her great. They came to this country from all over the world for personal freedom, liberty and the opportunity to succeed and make better lives for themselves and their families. Today, they are found in every job and profession. They are the fabric and very essence of America that sets us apart from every other country in the world.

But, the "can do" citizens are being rapidly replaced by a new breed of "do it for me" young adults. These young people were raised in an environment of over-control, overprotection, overindulgence and permissiveness. As kids they were never allowed to skin a knee or bruise an ego. They never learned to think, make decisions, solve their own problems and do things for themselves. As a result, these children can reach the age of 25, 30 or beyond without a clue on how to make it on their own. They remain dependent on their parents for financial support and direction. They feel entitled to a "good life" and have lots of excuses for their inability to get it on their own.

Of course, while not every child fits into this mold, if we allow this trend to continue, the number of "kids in adult bodies" will almost certainly increase. And how do you think these dependent, relatively incompetent and entitled young adults will vote? The answer is pretty obvious, isn't it?

So what to do? The answer is simple. WE HAVE GOT TO START RAISING INDEPENDENT, SELF-RELIANT, CONFIDENT AND RESPONSIBLE CHILDREN. But how can we make it happen?

Above all, we cannot expect teachers and schools to do it for us. Schools do not, and cannot teach self-reliance, individual responsibility, the work ethic and high moral and ethical values. The qualities and character needed cannot be learned by reading a book or listening to a lecture. No amount of traditional education, all the way up through graduate school, can instill the skills and character needed for successful independent, self-reliant and responsible living... ONLY PARENTS CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.

It will not be easy. In order to reverse the current trend, most parents will need to make fundamental changes in how they interact with their children. One or more of the "independence killers"... over-control, overprotection, overindulgence and permissiveness, when present, adversely affect how parents treat their kids. And unfortunately, these independence inhibitors are pervasive, affecting the futures, to some degree, of most children in America. To make matters worse, they are so ingrained and habitual that parents rarely recognize them as problems.

Further, unlike our current socialist crisis which has "awakened the sleeping giant," there is, as yet, no stirring outcry to evoke awareness and action among our moms and dads. Glenn Beck alluded to overprotection as a problem when he recently lamented the disappearance of "dodge ball" and other "contact" games that he used to enjoy as a kid. He also derided the all too common practice of getting a trophy for just showing up. But up until now, no one has emerged to aggressively champion a return to competition, excellence, the work ethic and self-reliance as staples for success.

It is clear that our children are America's future. The emphasis has been on education, but the schools have let us down. Moms and dads are incensed and "fighting mad" about the indoctrination that's so commonplace in our schools... and they are taking action.

School boards, principals and teachers are being challenged as never before. Homeschooling and private schools are emerging as increasingly popular partial solutions. And yes, there is a renewed emphasis on faith and family.

It goes, almost without saying, that the education of our kids must be an important part of any long-term plan to preserve freedom and liberty in America. Our children must be steeped in the amazing and unique history of our country... our founders, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They must be made aware of the evils of Marxism, communism, fascism and Nazism... all outgrowths of socialism. They must learn about the true nature of progressivism, liberalism and big government in contrast to limited government and free-enterprise capitalism.

A long-term plan must also include the education of ourselves, as parents. We must learn how to use positive parenting principles and methods to eliminate the habitual "independence killers" within us. We must learn how to make our daily parent/child interactions positive and uplifting, as we strive to help our kids develop the qualities and strength of character needed to resist the temptations of socialism.

And then at the ballot box, this new generation of patriots can use their inner power to help keep our country vibrant and free.

It is only fitting that AS A MOM, dedicated to the nine principles and twelve values plus one..."Children are a gift from God and a sacred responsibility," now has the opportunity to be the first to develop and promote a winning plan of action for both today and tomorrow.

A plan that, includes 1} educating, energizing and activating today's electorate, 2} calling on parents to appropriately educate their children and... 3} to educate themselves in order to become knowledgeable and committed to raising self-reliant and confident kids for successful futures as independent and responsible "can do" adults and citizens of a FOREVER FREE AMERICA.

Bernard Schencker, M.D.Bernard Schencker


Posted by Bernard Schencker, M.D. on April 19, 2010 at 3:35pm

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