Monday, April 5, 2010

Clampdown on Freedom of Speech/Press and Internet

Woodrow Wilson imprisoned thousands of Americans for speaking out against WWI, using goon squads of SEIU types

Glenn Beck went to Disney World with his family last week and found stuffed animals of Chinese Dictator, Chairman Mao, for sale in their happiest place on earth souvenir areas.

We are already seeing and hearing about staged events all over the country against anyone and any group that speaks out against Obama or ObamaCare

Doctor who posted a sign against ObamaCare in his yard is being vilified and harrased:  He is not refusing to treat anyone.  He is just making a point and exercising his free speech.

Rep Cleaver said he was spat at and people called him the N-word and Fag_t, but now that there is now evidence anywhere, he is withdrawing his accusations.  (The story of this alleged incident was everywhere on the Internet within 90-minutes… while the ObamaCare hoopla was going on inside the Capital.  Andrew Breitbart of offered $100,000 for any video or proof of the incident.  If you have watched any of the cover of the anti-ObamaCare rally, you know there were cameras, cell phones, and video cameras everywhere.

Dem Rep Cleaver now Backing Away From Accusations Against Tea Party…

**People and groups like:  the Tea Party Movement (made up of everyday Americans), Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, conservative radio in general, Fox Cable News… are being vilified everyday in the news for exercising their freedom of speech and speaking out against the present administration and our countries roll toward Socialism

Rep Jane Harmon, D, Links Tea Partiers to Terrorism

Representative Steve D. Cohen Compares Tea Party to KKK

The uber-left has launched another fabricated “grassroots” boycott against Glenn Beck by Obama’s advisors:  Van Jones Jim Wallace, Andy Stern, thru SEIU and… his buddy and largest monetary contributor George Soros’s group.

There are Net-Neutrality meetings being held by the FCC this week, that almost nobody knows about, that will infringe upon your free speech and freedom of the press rights online and by pulling licenses of dissenting voices. The groups above are inundating the FCC this week with messages against the **list above and others.  They are asking the FCC to pull Fox News’s license.  (They want to save free speech by taking it away.)

The Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution is what makes us different from the rest of the world… that gives the average man a fair chance.

Please go to: NOW and send your message to save your free speech

And then call, fax and email your congressman, Senator and the White House

Please get the word out… while you still can~

If the FCC passes their new rulings… You will not be able to send a message like this, or a petition to sign, or even forward and article that they disagree with.

Then they will sanitize and filter all the news and voices on the radio and TV so all you hear is Big Brother…

Beware my friends and stand-up, speak-up and read the Constitution so your know your rights.

Please go to: NOW

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