Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 15th Tax and Tea Party Day - Left Has Vowed to Infiltrate, Disrupt and Discount Patriot Grassroots Movement

Alinsky's Avenging Angels: Tea Party Saboteurs

By Michelle Malkin
April 14, 2010

The 13 Main Alinsky Tactics

One of the popular signs spotted at Tea Party protests across the country over the past year goes like this: "It doesn't matter what this sign says. You'll call it racism, anyway!" It's a pithy, perfect rejoinder to the fusillade of attacks that limited-government activists have weathered from their Democratic detractors and a hostile national media. Committed Alinsky-ites never let reality get in the way of a good Tea Party-bashing narrative.

The radical acolytes of Chicago's late left-wing organizer Saul Alinsky also understand the importance of manufacturing demons. "Before men can act," Alinsky preached, "an issue must be polarized. Men will act when they are convinced their cause is 100 percent on the side of the angels, and that the opposition are 100 percent on the side of the devil." This explains the left's relentless campaign to sabotage the anti-tax, anti-bailout movement from Day One.

President Obama's community organizing allies whispered "racist," "fascist" and "fringe" in the earliest days of the stimulus demonstrations in January and February 2009, when hundreds of first-time protesters turned out on the streets in Washington State, Colorado, Arizona and Kansas. The whispers turned to hysterical screams as hundreds became thousands and thousands became millions of peaceful marchers who gathered for the first nationwide Tax Day Tea Party. Some fringe, huh?

The latest effort to smear Tea Partiers involves self-appointed agents provocateurs who are organizing a "Crash the Tea Party" campaign to discredit the April 15 Tax Day Tea Party by making up bogus racist signs and providing false portrayals of grassroots activists to the press. An online punk, Jason Levin, is spearheading the infiltration effort to "act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities" and "damage the public's opinion of them." Never mind that public opinion polls now show that the majority of Americans stand with the core principles of fiscal responsibility espoused by Tea Party activists.

Levin may be a lone wolf operator, but he has many fellow travelers in the Democratic establishment and left-wing fever swamps. And their efforts wouldn't be possible without friendlies in the press who have openly insulted Tea Party activists with endless vulgar sexual taunts and Taliban comparisons.

A few months ago, Craig Varoga -- a Washington-based Democratic political operative and overseer of a convoluted, money-shuffling web of political action committees -- launched "" to target Republicans who supported the Tea Party movement. The site declared that it would prevent the "radical" and "dangerous" fiscal accountability agenda from "gaining legislative traction." Varoga's money funneling is designed to obscure the Big Labor/progressive funding of his enterprises under the umbrella of his "American Public Policy Center (APPC)."

After conservative blogs and Fox News exposed his deceptive web of grassroots groups, Varoga password-protected his website so that the Democratic plotting against Tea Party activists could be conducted out of view.

I speak from direct experience about the underhandedness of Tea Party smear merchants. On Feb. 17, 2009, at one of the country's first tax revolt rallies in Denver, a man approached me amid a throng of bona fide anti-stimulus protesters and thrust a camera in my face. I obliged cheerfully, as I usually do after such speaking events. I later learned from the character assassins at Progress Now, a left-wing outfit that just happened to be there and just happened to snap a close-up photo of the interaction, that the man pulled out a sign at the last minute (which I didn't see until later) sporting Obama's name with a swastika on it. He held the sign away from me, but in direct view of the Progress Now cameraperson.

That cameraperson just happened to be a former CNN producer, whose blog post on the photo just happened to be immediately disseminated by the local press and to the hit men at the radical-left Media Matters website. The narrative was set: A conservative supporter of the nascent Tea Party movement posed for a photo with a man holding up a swastika at a protest against out-of-control spending! Ergo, the anti-stimulus protesters and the entire Tea Party membership are all racist, fascist menaces to society!

Fast-forward to April 2010. Alinsky's avenging angels have declared open warfare on April 15. Will they be enabled again by "mainstream journalists" who have turned their Tea Party reporting assignments into search-and-destroy missions? The signs point to yes.

Were Tea Party Racist Charges A Setup? – No video, photos or eye-witnesses have yet surfaced


Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies" (Regnery 2010).



Tips from the Tea Party Patriots’ for dealing with the lefty "Crashers

So here are some tips for dealing with this situation, should it arise at your tea party.

1. Be prepared. Make sure your security team knows about the potential for disturbance, and your procedures for dealing with any issues. If you have law enforcement at your event, let them know about the potential threats in advance. Most are happy to remove people who intend to disturb your event.

a. Have a plan. We suggest that you handle every incident in a predetermined manner. Your preparation will allow you to handle any incident in a calm and reasoned manner.

i. No aggressive confrontation. Make sure all of your people know that they are in the media spotlight. Our behavior will be watched. So if you encounter these miscreants, be polite, and ask them to leave your event. If you have police there, ask them to help you.

ii. Video, video, video. Make sure you have teams of people with Flip cams or other easy format video, and make sure every single encounter of this nature is captured on videotape. Create the record. We'll use it later to publicly humiliate the bad actors, and also to allow you to prove your version of the incidents if challenged.

iii. Partner up. If you are going to deal with one of these situations, always have at least one other person with you. It's imperative that any situation not be your word against someone else's. Have a witness and a helper with you at all times.

iv. Make signs that say "Infiltrator. This person is not with us." Put a big arrow on it so that you can stand next to infiltrators and point at them. Usually this will embarrass them, ruin their prank, and they will leave. Plus it's just plain fun and makes for great photos and video. Again...always with good humor, and a cheerful demeanor. It's fun to mock the lefties, and it makes them truly crazy when you are nice.

b. Talk about the issue of behavior and signs at the beginning of your event. Set the guidelines from stage.

i. No signs or behavior evidencing bigotry or racism of any kind will be tolerated, and people will be asked to get rid of them or leave.

ii. We are polite, law abiding people, and that's how we run our events.

iii. Ask attendees to immediately report any suspicious people to event security or the police (according to your own guidelines).

c. Don't happy. If you weren't so good at what you are doing, and so successful at influencing the debate in this country, people wouldn't feel compelled to try to shoot you down using sleazy tactics. You are dominating the political playing field, and doing so by being honest, operating with integrity and staying within the law. Be proud of what you are accomplishing, and enjoy your day.

Source:  Song of Truth

If you run into another situation like at the Capital when Progressive Democratic Congress People led by Pelosi purposely walked through the crowd and then fabricated news highlights of racist slurs and being spit at… have a plan (some suggestions):

a.  Turn your backs to them as they pass and have the crowd become completely silent

b.   Join Hands and begin singing a pre-determined set of songs:  Amazing Grace, God Bless America… How about We Shall Overcome, right out of the left’s handbook

Two Republicans in New Orleans Beatdown – This is the Way of the Left



On Friday night Allee Bautsch, chief campaign fundraiser for Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, and her boyfriend Joe Brown, were savagely beaten in New Orleans after leaving a Republican party fundraising dinner. This report was put together on what we know so far on this horrible attack on two young Republicans.

The governor’s office said Monday that Allee Bautsch suffered a broken leg and her boyfriend suffered a concussion and fractured nose and jaw in the alleged incident.

A Republican activist and her boyfriend were savagely beaten in New Orleans on Friday after leaving the Southern Republican Leadership Conference dinner. It was originally reported that they were attacked because they were wearing Sarah Palin pins.

Rassmussen Poll – Tea Party Movement Is Growing and So Are All Other Patriotic and Grassroots Groups

Stand up America… Make your voice heard and do not let the radical left steel your freedoms and your children’s and grandchildren’s futures!  See you at a Tea Party tomorrow~

Tea Party Express Hits Washington DC on April 15th and small rallies all over America

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