Sunday, March 28, 2010

Scary Quote from 1944 – Socialist Party Candidate 1944

Socialist Party Candidate:  1944


Nakita Khrushchev, Communist and Premier of the USSR, said very the same when he spoke at the United Nations… taking off his shoe to pound on the platform, he said:  “We will bury you without ever firing a shot!”

Watch: Baucus Says Obamacare Helps Redistribute the Wealth

Video: Al Sharpton Claims Americans Voted for Socialism When Electing Obama

Rep Dingell:  ObamaCare Soon Will ‘Control’ the People

In Healthcare Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality = Redistribution of Wealth or Socialism

The Dems are Communists – Howard Stern

Glenn Beck:  Dems Admit ObamaCare Is Socialism

Video (Hannity): Obama Is A Socialist

New Book: Obama Zombies: How the Liberal Machine Brainwashed My Generation

In one week… last week, Obama and the Progressives in our government have taken over 1/6 of our economy, the student loan industry, and the healthcare industry; have insulted our best ally in the Middle East and have entered into a new questionable arms deal with Russia, reducing our strength at a time when Iran is telling us, Israel, and the world that they are going nuclear (while working with Russia) as the particulars are leaking out (for those who didn’t read it) about what all is in the HC plan, its actual cost and what is planned next (Amnesty; attack on the second amendment; attack on conservative radio, tv and Internet free speech; and revamping of the Cap and Trade legislation… but nothing substantial for jobs), should not leave much doubt for anyone that this man, Norman Mattoon Thomas, was right.

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