Friday, March 5, 2010

CBO Announcement: Obama’s Debt Figures Off by 1.2 Trillion and Another 36,000 Jobs Lost

The CBO just announced that the Obama touted figures are wrong again…  The U.S. Debt will be 1.2 Trillion more over the next ten years than the Obama Administration has been telling us all.  Hmmmm… Is anyone surprised?

And anyone who has read the ObamaCare bill(s), including O’s own latest version, knows $$$ or has even a drop of common sense knows that they are lying to us there as well and that program will cost us double if not triple of what they are saying, while our services will go down and our rights will be diminished.

Harry Reid on 36,000 jobs lost: it's a good day

Harry Reid is upping the idiocy ante today, as he giddily reports that it's a good day in America because 'only' 36,000 people lost their jobs last month. Well, sounds like it's time for a parade! The unemployment rate remained the same at 9.7%, but 36,000 more jobs were lost. Get the latest job numbers HERE and listen to Glenn react to Reid's joyous declaration that more people are unemployed. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)
Also… what they did tell us is that the Feds added 7,000 additional govt jobs last month. Those are jobs that we all, the private sector has to pay for, including their huge benefits packages.

We lost 26,000 in January, which means the rate of job loss per day went up rather significantly. That qualifies as a “big day”? Is this what Democrats see as an improvement? It certainly speaks to the expectations they want to set with the American people, and should win the George Orwell Award.

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