Sunday, February 7, 2010

How does the bible apply to the world we live in today, and what does it all mean?

As we look at the world today, with terrorists, two wars in the east, our world economy, politics, corruption in government, national disasters, disease, famine, immorality. Iran (Persia in the bible), Russia (Esau in Genesis), Israel (the eleven tribes scattered), as well as Jerusalem (Judah, YHVH's salvation) to name a few, are clearly key components of Gods master plan. We will take a close look into his words to deeply consider that we might be closer than we realize, to end of this age.

Some say, "ah, we've always gone through these things"! Well, not so fast. The bible speaks of all these as well as terrorists (Isaiah ch:7) and a "one world system" (Isaiah ch:8 as well as other places). The U.N. is in a real discussion about a one world currency.  Although this topic has been under consideration in the past, I don't remember it being introduced with such attention, and recently our President tells us at the G-20 "we are going into one world-ism" This should cause you to pause.

In Genesis 27: Twins are born (Jacob and Esau),which are two nations (Israel and Russia). Israel and Judah (Jacob) which are currently split (two houses) which are also two nations. These two nations make up 13 tribes. In the millennium, these will be joined again and become one Nation. In Isaiah 7 & 8, God speaks about 2 brothers. Israel and Judah, where Israel appointed a foreign king,(the Assyrian) to go up against Judah (Jerusalem, the house of David) where Israel will be held in captivity for a period of time but, God makes it clear that it will not come to pass until an appointed time. He also tells Isaiah that this foreign king will only prevail for a short time and: God is very clear ; Don't despair, "I will send a King" (Jesus Christ), stay true to your God and be shall overcome

Isaiah 8, The lord shall bring upon Ephraim and Manasseh (Israel) an Assyrian. Mahershalalhashbaz, (make haste to the the spoil and speedy to the prey). This foreign King will bring Israel into captivity. One component of this captivity is by using a one world political and financial system (a confederacy).


This ever so generous, subtle attempt to deceive God’s children will provide your every need as he sees fit, and many will be deceived. Those who rejoice in him and his provisions, have been deceived and are falling into this trap and are in the process of failing the 1st test.

God speaks to Isaiah, while receiving a stern instruction,. "Speak these words:" Don't walk in the way of the people who cry "a confederacy, a confederacy", (one world-ism) and warns not to fear or follow them. "let God be your salvation"(safety, sanctuary) and stay true to him. He will take care of your needs.

He then speaks of a "stumbling stone" (Christ) and a Rock of offense, but many shall stumble. God will send strong delusions for those who wish to believe a lie. These are two traps. Believing lies, including following the ways of the one world system and, following false christs (those claiming to be of Christ and/or of Christian ways). "Many shall stumble and fall, be broken, snared and taken"..."Seal this in your minds". You will be tested, "seek unto your God", or you will be driven into darkness.

Through Isaiah, God gives us fair warning and instruction. The Assyrian is a type of the Anti-christ... This is a Political and Financial beast, a flood of lies (babylon, confusion). God uses the Assyrian as a tool to test his children and will be followed by tribulation and the actual Anti-Christ and ultimately our true Saviour, CHRIST, unfortunately, many will be deceived.

Tragically, most of us have never been taught our heritage. The ten tribes were scattered throughout Europe, Canada and later the America's. Yes, the America's. We are many of the scattered tribes.

Coming soon!

Please look for my blog on the Abrahamic Covenant for an exciting look into your heritage and how you came to America and the important role we play in the future of God plan!  (We will post it here)

Are you in the process of being deceived, taken in by this beast right now? Repent, ask God for forgiveness, turn from your sins and back to your Heavenly father through his precious son Jesus Christ. Find out his will for you.

Stick to the word of God! Have you read it? It's the letter he sent to you (the Bible), it is tomorrow's newspaper and instructions on how to live in this world so you wouldn't be deceived. God loves his children, he is your Heavenly Father. Talk to him, tell him how you feel and ask him, what can I do for you?

I hope you will join me in an honest discussion about these much needed topic's. Find out where and how you fit into Gods plan, now and in the future.

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