Friday, February 5, 2010

Fox Nation Behind the Scenes at the Tea Party Convention

LIVE at The National Tea Party Convention

by FOX News Crews

By Fox Nation Senior Editor Jesse Watters

If you paid any attention to the mainstream media last week, you’d think the National Tea Party Convention was a near-bankrupt, disorganized event torn apart by internal squabbling and backstabbing that would tarnish and splinter the Republican Party and the Tea Party movement itself.

Don’t believe the hype.

I am behind-the-scenes at the convention and has spoken to various leaders, dozens of grassroots activists and a host of trusted pundits. Here’s what I found…

The National Tea Party Convention – hosted by Tea Party Nation – has begun to lay the foundation for a merging of Tea Party activists with the Republican Party. Despite attempts by Democrats and certain media outlets to drive a wedge between the Tea Parties and the GOP, it’s becoming clear that the Tea Parties will grow WITHIN the Republican Party and not splinter off and form a 3rd party.

Tea Party Nation has announced the formation of “Ensuring Liberty Corporation” – a 501(c)(4) that will organize and raise funds to support candidates across the country who embrace the conservative principles of:

1. Fiscal Responsibility

2. Lower Taxes

3. Less Government

4. States’ Rights

5. National Security

Although the media tried to paint this event as chaotic and hemorrhaging cash, this Convention is obviously strong and growing.

This Political Action Committee has identified 20 key races in 2010, from Mississippi to Arkansas to Tennessee – and does not seek to “co-opt” or “replace” the RNC. Tea Party Nation has also announced follow-up events, a direct democracy technology strategy to enhance voter participation, as well as a national movie screening to commemorate Rick Santelli’s “rant” on Feb 27th.

The grassroots activists here are ignoring the media-driven narrative of infighting within the Tea Party Movement. They don’t care about that. Yes, there are disputes among different Tea Party groups: The Tea Party Patriots, The Tea Party Express, Tea Party Nation, Freedom Works … but I have not witnessed any of this in Nashville so far and hears that discussions are taking place at the leadership level to resolve what are considered healthy disagreements that occur in all young organic movements.

No one is complaining about cost. The Gaylord Opryland Hotel is the largest hotel (without a casino) in the entire world and people are absolutely thrilled to be here, meet each other and learn. In fact, the primary schedule for the Convention revolves around strategy sessions led by local activists and professionals: How to organize a Tea Party, how to engage young voters, how to leverage technology, and how to set up voter drives. They’re getting a bang for their buck.

The majority of activists here are middle aged Americans and senior citizens – not the wild-eyed gun-toting survivalists who some cable news stations like to present as defining the movement. Many of these folks have never participated in politics before … and almost everyone I have spoken to says that they don’t think politicians in Washington are listening to them. They see their freedom, their money and their children’s futures slowly being compromised – and want to restore the republic to its constitutional principles with their idea that elected politicians work for THEM, not the other way around.

People here are vigilant in their pursuit of restoring the principles laid out by our Founding Fathers. These Americans call themselves “the silent majority,” but they’re beginning to have their voice heard.

There were hundreds of press credentials given out today, an ironic situation since last year the media mainly ignored the movement, then tried to marginalize it. Andrew Breitbart is here to introduce Sarah Palin Saturday night – and a dozen conservative bloggers are finally meeting face to face. The international media is also here – from Holland to Japan … even Al Jazeera. Typically, the mainstream media representatives here are trying to foment discord and continue to hammer the Tea Party Nation leadership about controversial comments made Thursday night by Tom Tancredo.

Stay Tuned for more updates throughout the Convention and watch Palin’s speech Saturday night streaming online and or LIVE on Fox News…

One of the best tidbits so far is that everyone there seemed to agree... NO THIRD PARTY... or we (conservatives and America) will lose!

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