Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama’s Spending Freeze Announcement is Meaningless… And Why

Glenn’s State of the Union preview

Nothing quite exemplifies government waste quite like the State of the Union address. It's three minutes of actual information surrounded by about 45 minutes of clapping. And it's not just regular applause, oh no, it's a childish display of standing and clapping for only your favorite things, as if the American public doesn't know which issues Democrats like and which Republicans like. Glenn plans on delivering his State of the Union address on radio tomorrow. ( Transcript, Insider Audio)

And let us remember when Obama was totally against in spending freeze during the Election when John McCain suggested it… Hmmm???

And let us remember that Obama has increased spending (in just one year) by between 12. % and 17%, depending on what you include. And Obama’s plan only freezes .58% for the next 3-years. (Example: Glenn’s Twinkie example below). And let us also remember that $43 of every $100 that the government has spent since Obama has been office is borrowed. Obama, like Joe Klein of Time Magazine and his liberal Progressive friends thinks the American People (you and I) are stupid, or in Joe’s words, “too dumb to survive”.

Obama’s Freeze is a Fraud; it is symbolic non-sense!

Healthcare propaganda using the art community. Remember the joke… ah lie about cutting 100 million (o.oo35%) of 3.5 Trillion budget; and we are not even sure a penny of that pittance was even done. And remember the Budget Panel??

The Laffer Curb… the more you tax the more revenues go down, but for some reasons the Progressives, now running this country, don’t get it.

Democrats are in danger of loosing seats all over the US. A poll yesterday showed that if the election was held today for President, between Obama and Scott Brown… Brown could win. Hello Obama… Hello Progressives… Hello White House… Hello Pelosi… Hello Reid… Hello Democrats. As the grassroots movement: As a Mom… Sisterhood of the Mommy Patriots says, “Can You Hear Us Now??”, if not you all better get hearing aids, before healthcare won’t pay for them. Oh sorry, I forgot, you all are exempt from ObamaCare.

Which side has the radicals… The tea party movement

Compare and Contrast or Give the Politically Correct Answer Game

Freeze Is Just 'Locking in a High Level of Spending'

Barack Obama is actually pulling a David Copperfield with this spending freeze

Krauthammer: "What he doesn't tell you is that last year, their first year in office when they had a free ride in spending, they ratcheted up the spending for all of these departments astronomically an average of the last half of fiscal '09 and all of fiscal '10 an average about 20%,now that's huge 'cause normally year over year you increase a department's spending 3% or 4% especially with low inflation.

So for example, last year alone, they increased the EPA budget by 35%, so if you're instituting a freeze, what you're doing, you're ratcheting in, you're locking in the higher spending that Obama slid in last year...So what the freeze is doing essentially is the opposite of what it looks like, instead of reducing the spending, it's locking in these huge increases that were instituted last year"


The State of Obama’s dis-union

Video: Congressman Campbell and Congressman Pasquel on Bulls and Bears to Discuss the State of the Union – Notice the Dem is still trying to blame Bush…

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