Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brown Surges in Massachusetts – But It Will Be a Fight to the End

Republicans are beginning to think Massachussetts is in the bag. Democrats are betting the rent money that the seat can be saved.

Brown’s numbers in Massachusetts are amazing, but moderates, conservatives and all fair minded-Americans have to get to the phones and the polls to ensure this victory!  The fact that we are even talking about a possible win is a huge victory for conservatives and a worrisome defeat for the Dems and Obama. But to finish the job, there is a huge fight ahead.

Scott BrownScott Brown, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, is defying the odds. He's running against President Obama's health care takeover and in favor of tax cuts to boost the economy in the most liberal state in the country, and it's working.

If Brown wins, Democrats will lose their 60th vote in the Senate for the health care bill and a whole host of liberal policies they want to shove down our throats this year. And if Brown wins, it will be first domino to fall in a series of coming defeats for Democrats in 2010.

So as to be expected, the Obama machine has circled its wagons.

Massachussetts Armageddon: Dems Going “All Out” for Coakley in Final 3 Days

With so much on the line, the Dems are pulling out all the stops. The SEIU busses have "rolled into town" and the ACORN "boots" are on the ground. Let's pray there are enough lookouts out there to keep it at least honest, and that the backlash is so phenomenal there will be no question who has won.

Organizing for America (OFA) is in shock and sending out email bombs, Ed Schultz of MSNBC said on his radio show, "I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts I think I'd try to vote 10 times. I don't know if they'd let me or not, but I'd try to. Yeah, that's right. I'd cheat to keep these bastards out. I would. 'Cause that's exactly what they are!", and the Kennedy family still thinks the seat belongs to the family, as Patrick shouts "Please volunteer to help in the race for my father’s seat”. But last I checked, we were still a Republic, although on shaky ground.

Let us all remember what Scott Brown said at the final Brown vs. Coakley debate, “This is not Ted Kennedy’s seat or the Democrat’s seat!  It is the people’s seat!!!”  (This is also not the Democrat’s HC Bill… it is the people’s and they don’t want ObamaCare!)

If you believe in a "Massachusetts Miracle", let's all get out and rally for Scott Brown.

You can learn more about Scott Brown's campaign, make last minute donations and volunteer to make calls from home by visiting his website at

This is more than a state election!  It is a referendum on Obama and the lefties in Congress.  It is also a message that Americans are fed up, don’t want ObamaCare and will be fighting to keep their freedoms.  Even though this fight is an amazing victory in itself, stand-up and be counted… donate, make calls and vote for Scott Brown and then let us be vigilant in watching and ensuring the honesty of this election

The dirty tricks, Democratic (Obama Chicago style) machine politics and smear campaign commercials have been employed full bore for the past two weeks now by the Coakley campaign aided by SEIU, ACORN, and the Democratic leadership.  But Scott Brown has continued to run a clean campaign.  But you can only hide the truth for so long.  Coakley’s record and mis-steps have begun to leak out from a myriad of sources.  Checkout:  Dissident Voice: Martha Coakley's Chappaquiddick & Coakley’s Top Ten

Today, Obama was going down there himself.  We all know if SEIU and ACORN are involved, somebody better be watching the ballot boxes, the count and the polling stations.  I’d be adding a little prayer to the donations, volunteering and voting list!!

Scott Brown for Senate

For anyone who doesn’t believe in the power of  prayer… think ClimateGate awareness right before Copenhagen and look at the photos below.  There is always hope!!

A vote for Martha Coakley is a vote for the status quo, big machine politics and ObamaCare.  A vote for Scott Brown is a vote for real change, American Freedoms, and our best chance to defeat ObamaCare and start over on real healthcare reform.

 Scott Brown for Senate

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