Tuesday, November 24, 2009


When we met with the Park Service on November 4th, they mentioned that the Government was going to start cutting back on LARGE PROTEST gatherings in Washington starting in 2011. Reason? The Secretary of the Interior "wants grass on the Mall year-round."

At the time, I thought how unbelievable this statement was... we are GUARANTEED this FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the Constitution! It is our RIGHT!

Now today on Glenn Beck, he mentioned exactly the same thing. One by one, our freedoms are being abolished. Pretty soon one lone Conservative will appear on TV's worldwide with a giant tank staring the lone figure down...sound familiar?

The big question is: How much more do they do to us before this gets really ugly? I'm thinking it's coming like a freight train.

Finally, if you have not seen Erica's post on using the Democratic party's own site against them please do! They lay out media outlets near you and allow you to send a note--the note is supposed to be in favor of the healthcare bill; however, we can use their system for exactly the OPPOSITE! See her post & PLEASE send the media outlets your note TODAY!

Added by M.O.M. Admin on November 23, 2009 at 2:36pm

While we are speaking of commoners… Uppity Elitist Martha Stuart was seen in an interview belittling Sarah Palin spewing the usual liberal pabulum: “Sarah is scary, dumb, confused blah blah blah. Well if that is what she thinks of us the common idiots who buy her stuff… perhaps we should stop. I propose a boycott of all things Martha Stuart.

I also propose of boycott of Mattel Toys until they stop producing the new Barbie wearing a Burkka!!

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