Friday, November 20, 2009

Stop Senate ObamaCare Cloture Vote On Saturday! Why This Is Important… Please Read

Kill the BILL Today - Stop ObamaCare In The Senate!

Alert: We Have the Chance to Kill Socialized Medicine TODAY (by Saturday)

Reid and Senate Democrats announced they will file cloture today on the motion to proceed regarding ObamaCare. He will go to the floor for cloture on the motion to proceed to a House-passed tax bill, to begin the Senate debate on ObamaCare.

This vote will require 60 votes and will likely occur on Saturday.

Several Democrats have said they will not vote for the bill. Remember cloture is a three day process - file on day one, day two is an intervening day and the vote occurs on day three. Reid is using a House-passed tax bill as a "shell" allowing him to offer up the language he released tonight as a substitute amendment if he gets cloture on the motion to proceed.

Reid’s Senate version of ObamaCare calls for:

  • Hiding the $1.8 Trillion price tag by not accounting for actual costs; over 2.5 Trillion+ in actual costs.
  • Major reductions in Medicare benefits to Seniors.
  • Major Tax Increases on every American to pay for it all…  The Bill mentions tax increases 183 times.
  • Reid called for increasing the Medicare payroll tax.

Senator Gregg said earlier yesterday on GretaWire that the actual cost of the Pelosicare Bill is $3 Trillion Dollars and it will end up as single-payer socialized medicine and will ultimately cut a Trillion in Medicare… and that HarryCare won’t be any better

Will the Health Care Bill Pass? - Video

If we can stop the bill today… everyone will have until after the Senate’s Thanksgiving Break to continue reading and to understand what all is in the bill.

Everyone that has read or is in the know says it is a bad bill with affects for all Americans and still leaves millions uninsured.

There are many frightening measures and fees in both HarryCare and PelosiCare that will ultimately be merged and forced on us if we don’t stop this bill and the best time to stop it is today, when they will need 60 votes instead of only 51.  Publicly funded abortions, ultimate single-payer socialized medicine, huge tax increases, rationing, huge Medicare cuts, the implementation of implanted RFID chips, access to your financial records, more loss of freedoms and much more… not to mention the financial cost that we cannot absorb.

The Dems will try to sell us on “this vote will just open debate on Healthcare”.  In reality this vote will get the bill passed because they will then go to reconciliation where they just need to 51 votes to control 1/6 of the American Economy after no reform to America’s healthcare.

Please Fax, Call and Email your state’s Senators and as many others as you can!!  And if you can get to your Senator’s office or the Capital… even better!

United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or (202) 225-3121

Senators from your State.

or have the faxes sent for you:

Select Below to Tell the Senate to REJECT 'ObamaCare':

If you are not sure of what is at stake… take your lunch break and watch these videos below: (IT IS IMPORTANT AND TODAY IS THE DAY TO FIGHT BACK):

STOP OBAMACARE – Part 1 - Video

STOP OBAMACARE – Part 2 - Video

STOP OBAMACARE – Part 3 - Video

STOP OBAMACARE (Including Just Some of the New Hidden Taxes) – Part 4 - Video

STOP OBAMACARE (The Murtha Effect) – Part 5 - Video

STOP OBAMACARE – Part  6 - Video

Earlier this week we got a sneak peek of rationing… suddenly suggesting that women now not start their getting mammograms until they are 50 (instead of 40) and then only getting them every other year, instead of every year. (I am not a proponent of mammograms and many things that Big Pharma and the AMA push… but this is was a clear test of rationing!)  Now this is a suggestion… in the future it will be a mandate… and this truly is only the beginning.

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