Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Stealth System

According to Webster’s Third International Dictionary, “stealth” means, “something stolen,the act or action of proceeding secretly or imperceptibly.”

And according to Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition, stealth means, “secret or the act of stealing when the victim is unaware of the theft. Any secret, sly or clandestine act to avoid discovery and to gain entrance into or to remain within residence of another without permission.”

In my view, stealth needs further definition. Stealth should be categorized as being in existence where there is total unawareness by the victim(s). Also, stealth should be characterized as being secretly operative over very long periods of time, so as to be sacrosanct and institutionalized.

An example is the Federal Reserve and its companion, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Time bestows legitimacy. This means that millions of people are born into the system who never question its legitimacy, legality or morality.

The more generations that pass the more entrenched the stealth. So again, time bestows legitimacy and suffocates inquiry. The people who understand stealth can understand government and predict the future.

This, my friends, is a very, very small number of people. It is my prayer that all the readers of Personal Liberty Digest will understand stealth as soon as possible. If so, you will be translated from the frivolous to reality.

The work-a-day world consumes the crowd. They have so much noise in their lives that they have neither the time nor the imperative to understand monetary realism and the legalized and official theft that is undermining every vestige of their lives and their future.

The stealth system of “legal” theft has been in place in the U.S. since the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the IRS in 1913. Neither is legal, but neither can be investigated and reversed. (Ask yourself why, even with 311 co-sponsors on the 435-member House of Representatives, Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Federal Reserve—H.R. 1207—has not been voted on, nor has the Senate’s companion bill—S. 604—which has 30 co-sponsors.)
We are on a fiat paper money dollar system and all who earn dollars and save dollars have depreciating currency with depreciating assets. This depreciating currency (inflation of prices) slowly reduces the value of their savings and their standard of living. The middle class destruction is in full view to anyone who has the wisdom to look.

The stealth system has a cover of very sophisticated propaganda. Trust in the system guarantees the propaganda cover. People who trust the system never inquire past the propaganda and that is by far the majority; but, hopefully, that is not you.

The system operates on the certainty that the crowd will believe the propaganda cover. If the crowd stopped believing the propaganda, the stealth system would collapse and human liberty would return. If the stealth system were to collapse, the vast army of parasites—people like lawyers, doctors, accountants, etc.—would have to find honest work. Oh, they are not all bad, but most are.

How do we escape the system of stealth? Start believing just the opposite of all political, economic and geopolitical pronouncements. This alone will catapult you into reality. If the trauma is too severe, return to slavery. You will be welcomed to become a “taxpayer” again.

The key to understanding propaganda: Governments never allow individual or media attacks on the esoteric monetary system i.e. the Federal Reserve and the IRS.

The stealth system knows the propaganda value of phony opposition. Feigned opposition as in political parties keeps the simple blinded and all debate is on spurious issues. Decoys are as important to the stealth system as they are to duck hunters.

Spurious debate is a constant diversion. It is noise.

The most educated, professional and sophisticated thinkers are conditioned and limited unless and until they escape the stealth parameters of thought. Until we believe that reality is outside the box, we can do no better than frivolity, diversion and self deception.

We can never know cause and effect. When you encounter an educated fool, escape as fast as possible lest you be tainted with his nonsense.

People who never question authority, custom and tradition are unthinking fools.

You Are a Taxpayer

You are a taxpayer if you earn or save dollars. You are involved in coin clipping.

Coin clipping refers to the old gold and silver coins in regimes that had not discovered paper money. They could not print new gold coins so people would clip off small amounts and melt them into new coins. This of course is a less seductive form of currency depreciation.

But today every new dollar printed dilutes those dollars already in existence. So you pay taxes to the extent of currency depreciation that most see as price inflation at the grocery store. More stealth!

Taxpayers are not just those who fill out tax returns and write checks to the IRS.

Money printing is a stealth tax paid by all who deal in dollars. No, it’s not public policy, it’s stealth policy, never announced and never admitted, and especially never to the media.

by Bob Livingston


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