Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Sham of Socialism: Save America While There’s Still Time… ‘1984′ Prophesy

Sir Winston Churchill hated socialism to his very core. So did Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, and countless other free market or conservative leaders through the decades.

Socialism never delivers what it promises to deliver. Never.

The fantasy utopia of total equality amongst people and total government support (cradle-to-grave government involvement) is impossible to sustain for any length of time. It has a voracious appetite and must take increasingly more from the achievers to give to the non-achievers until they are sucked dry and there is nearly nothing left. Socialism delivers only equal misery and equal despair.

George Orwell's prophetic novel, 1984

George Orwell's prophetic novel, 1984

And yet, devoted and oft-times well-meaning socialists, continue to try. And try again. And try yet again.

Maybe more money from taxpayers? Maybe more government involvement? Maybe fewer individual rights? Maybe increase the tax on everyday items, like they do in Britain? Maybe decrease the benefits of socialized health care? Maybe determine that fewer people live so that we can actually pay for all these “entitlements”? Socialists will continue to take as much disposable income from a nation’s citizens as possible—sometimes all of it—and also diminish or take away much of their personal responsibility and decision-making. In so doing, they also kill the individual’s incentive to excel, to go the extra mile, to reach for the stars. Why should they? Mediocrity is rewarded, success is punished.

Socialism is a sham. It destroys. It goes against human nature and attempts to crush it. George Orwell’s bleak, prophetic novel 1984 spells out the evil of socialism, of “Big Brother” watching citizens’ every move, trying to control citizens’ every thought, seeking compliance from the masses and punishing insubordination. If you haven’t read it, you should. If you read it in college, read it again. Believe me, the book will hit you on a whole ‘nuther level now.

I read an excellent article exposing the failure of socialism in Britain at Stop the ACLU. Here are a few paragraphs (click the link below to read it in its entirety):

Britain shows the fraud of socialism

They are purely destructive. They do no good even by their own criteria. They have been running Britain since 1997

The gap between rich and poor grew to record levels last year, official figures have disclosed. The number of children living in poverty rose by 100,000, the data showed, confirming Labour’s failure to meet a promise to cut child poverty. The Department of Work and Pensions yesterday released income data for 2007/08, the last full financial year before the UK economy went into recession.

The data showed that while incomes for the better-off grew only slowly, they still increased more quickly than those of the poorest. Inflation also hit the incomes of the poorest disproportionately, eroding the value of their welfare payments. People are commonly defined as being in poverty when their income is only 60 per cent of the median salary in Britain. By that measure, the number of children, working-age adults and pensioners in poverty rose by 300,000 to 11.0 million in 2007/08 before housing costs are considered. After housing costs, the number in poverty rose by 200,000 to 13.5 million.


Theresa May, the Conservative shadow work and pensions secretary, said: “Gordon Brown’s pledge to halve child poverty by 2010 is just one of countless Labour promises that lies in tatters.”

If socialism actually worked, Cuba would be flourishing. Sweden would be flourishing. Venezuela would be flourishing. Mexico would be flourishing. If socialized medicine actually worked, the citizens of Canada and the UK would have no worries about their health and the health of their loved ones. But they do, because socialized medicine, or universal health care, or what ever you want to call it, does not work. Medicine is rationed, operations are delayed or denied, doctors have fled, waiting lists for health-saving procedures are as long as a year (and people die waiting in line). There simply isn’t enough money to pay for everything for everyone, so the level of care must drop, new breakthroughs in medicine are often ignored because of their cost, and the number of people who can receive health services must be weeded out using draconian methods. Overweight? Then you may not be a candidate for heart medication. Over 50? Your contributions to society are just about over, so you’re at the end of the line.


Notable American economist Walter E. Williams said, “Communism and socialism are seductive. It promises us that people will contribute according to ability and receive according to needs. Everybody is equal. Everybody has a right to decent housing, decent food, and affordable medical care. History should have taught us that when we hear people talk this stuff—watch out!”

Author Ayn Rand (Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead) defined it this way: “Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good.”

Viktor Suvorov, respected Russian writer who made his name writing books about Soviet history, the Soviet Army, GRU, and Spetsnaz, wrote this about socialism: “True Socialism, in which everyone is truly equal, does not just resemble a prison—it is a prison. It can not exist unless it is surrounded by high walls, by watchtowers and by guard-dogs, for people always want to escape from any socialist regime, just as they do from a prison. If you continue your attempts to establish a model society, you will need to build walls around it. You will be forced to do so sooner or later by the flood of refugees.”

Will America become a socialist country? Right now, with all that is happening in our government, with the radical far-left changes the Obama administration is making daily or attempting to implement, it is frighteningly possible.

Many people will pooh-pooh that. No way America, they think, that the land of the free and the brave would ever become socialist. Heck, we have that good ol’ pioneer spirit, a free market mentality, a philosophy honed by our wise founding fathers that protects our basic freedoms and makes America the greatest nation on earth. Work hard and you’ll prosper, rewarded by the fruits of your efforts. We’re the land of inventors and innovators. So, no worries, right? It’s all right-wing alarmist crap, Republicans trying to get even because they lost the election, right?

Wrong. Dead wrong.

American socialist Norman Thomas, six-time presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America, chillingly predicted, “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

The evidence is all around. Do not sit back and quietly let America be destroyed, piece by piece, by the sham of socialism. There is still time to tip the balance back. But, time is indeed running out.

Let us not forget this warning heard “round the world” from Britain’s Daniel Hannan from a few months ago:

Daniel Hannan MEP: “Prime Minister, You Have Run Out of Our Money” | March 2009

Posted By Vicki McClure Davidson on May 8, 2009 - * Frugal Café Blog Zone

Posted:  By Ask Marion - Knowledge Creates Power – Cross Posted: Daily Thought Pad

I went to an America Concert yesterday... First bumper sticker I saw in the lot was: Obama Lied a Nation Died... We must make sure that doesn't happen!!

Other recommended articles:

The American Spectator: The Reality of the New Deal
Jim Gilmore, Human Events:
Obama’s ‘New Socialism’
Fr. John Corapi on the Evils of Socialism and Socialism is a dirty word by Stephanie Block
Hot Air: Video:
Are the elderly cost effective?
Matthew Vadum, American Spectator:
DNC Organizing to Destroy U.S. Healthcare
Victoria Jackson, Big Hollywood:
President Obama and the “C” Word
The Washington Times:
Steele urged to label Obama a socialist
Stop Socialism Now:
McCain, Powell, Specter: The Axis of Morons
Red, White, and Blue:
When In Doubt, Blame Capitalism
Michelle Malkin:
The 60th anniversary of 1984 and Stop Al Gore and the eco-taxers and Obama: I’m not a socialist, I just play one on TV and Battered Hedge Fund Managers’ Syndrome and Obama’s budget-cutting tools and The “Going Galt” phenom spreads; Whoopi goes on anti-tax rant and Andrew Lloyd Webber: Going Galt in Britain? and
Don’t Get Me Started…:
Obama Supports Socialism – More Proof!
The Sundries Shack:
Fool Us Once, Shame On Us. Fool Us A Dozen Times, You’re Barack Obama.
Adam Baldwin, Big Hollywood:
‘Global Citizenship’: An Unsustainable Social Injustice
Free Republic:
Socialism Coming Back To Haunt U.S. and Beware of Obamanomics
Frugal Café Blog Zone:
Beatles ‘I’ll Tax the Heat, I’ll Tax Your Feet’: Britain’s a Mess with Its Punishing Taxes, We’re Not Far Behind and Video: Glenn Beck to Obama: If Your Agenda Is to Destroy America, Why Don’t You Just Set Us on Fire Right Now? and Cuba, the Musical: CBC’s Fawning over Castro Is Naive, Nauseating and Rush Limbaugh: While Obama Dismantles America, The World Laughs Behind His Back and Heritage Foundation: Myth Exposed - American Health Care System Not Perfect, but Superior to Socialized Health Care andCautionary Tale: ‘Prime Minister, You Have Run Out of Our Money’
Patriot Burr:
Brownshirts, Anyone?
Doug Powers, Michelle Malkin:
Should RNC Chair use the ‘S’ word?   Knowledge Creates Power: "The Future of Capitalism" - Capitalism Could Fail, HOW OBAMA'S SOCIALISM WORKS, Confusion: Fascism vs Socialism... Progressivism... And What Happened to Capitalism?, OBAMA'S LEAP TO SOCIALISM, The Weimar Solution,March to Socialism: Out of Money – Glenn Beck, Senior creditors: Chrysler deal violates 5th Amendment, Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real; Michael Farris - United Nation’s Convention on Rights of a Child Material; General - PDF Links Click here to read the DHS extremism report, American capitalism gone with a whimper – Pravda

About the author

Vicki McClure Davidson
I'm a conservative frugalist. My priorities: Watchdogging the government, making sure our tax dollars are spent wisely, living within our budgets (at home and in Washington, DC), and adhering to our Constitution and the conservative principles upon which it was developed by our founding fathers. Also, loving God, my family, and my country. Be wise, be frugal. God bless America!


One Response to “The Sham of Socialism: Save America While There’s Still Time… ‘1984′ Prophesy”
  1. Louis McCarten says:

    June 15, 2009 at 11:57 AM

    The scariest thing of all about obama is that not only does Obama intend to Socialize the United States of America, he means to eliminate its Constitution and turn our country into an Islamofascist state with a Socialist economy. Obama freely associates with the Muslim Brotherhood which has been proven in a US Court of Law to be planning to overthrow the US government and replace it with an Islamofascist government. The leaders of most Islamic nations unsurprisingly have generally conferred Socialism as their economic system of choice.

    To those who think this is far-fetched remember that in 2006 Obama assisted his relative Raila Odinga in the overthrow of a democratically elected government in Kenya and replaced it with an Islamofascist government. 1200 Kenyans were murdered by Odinga’s goon squads (that he may have hired with financial assistance from Obama who transferred US $1 million to him) during the resulting civil upheaval.

    Obama got away with this too! Not only should he be tried in the International Criminal Court along with his cousin Raila Odinga but we should be very very vigilant about what he will attmempt to do to our democracy if given a chance (which the American people have done I am,regret top say).

    Obama will roll ahead with his anti-US agenda despite the sentiments of the American people. He must be stopped.

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