Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Health Care Bill: What they DON'T want you to know! – Video – Please Watch…

The Health Care Bill: What they DON'T want you to know!


This video is a review of some of the highlights… ah lowlights in the House Bill - HR 3200, which were all in there when I read and reviewed the bill month ago. There is a lot more bad stuff in there.

This bill will be merged with the two Senate Bills… The House Bill is the most liberal, the Baucus Bill is the least… but that isn’t saying much and they still don’t know how they are going to pay… for us to get worse healthcare, less choices, and ultimately rationing.

There are several Republican Bills (HR 3400 is one) and lots of sensible suggestions to improve healthcare, lower costs without increasing taxes, keep government out of our healthcare decisions and give everyone either basic healthcare or catastrophic healthcare (depending on the plan). But the Dems in Congress haven’t given them any credence and don’t include the Republicans or their ideas.

President Obama makes these magnanimous statements in his speeches… like he will be happy to sit down with anyone who would like and go over any of the bills line by line as well as claiming that he is open to all constructive input. Yet in reality, he has not met with a single republican or republican group on healthcare since April.

There are several Congressman and Senators who are physicians as well that have gone on TV lately and stated that they have and are sending continuous requests up to the White House requesting time time with the President on this issue and not only have they not gotten a meeting, the White House does not even respond to them.

We are being had my friends!!

Although there was a special push for Monday Oct 5th… Keep up the pressure by calling the White House and Congress daily!

Both ObamaCare and Cap and Trade are huge power grabs and huge tax measures. The G20 is another move to turn over our government to a New World or Global Order and the attempts by Senators Barbara Boxer and Sec Hillary Clinton

Yesterday, on the anniversary of TARP, a study was released verifying that we were lied to about conditions of the banks and many other financial particulars by Bernanke and Geithner to push through this huge bill that they wanted passed. Let us not be had again!!

Keep up the Pressure on Congress as Well!!!

Call the United States Capitol switchboard today... every day at (202) 224-3121 until ObamaCare and Cap and Trade our defeated!

Senators from your State.

Call the White House at 202-456-1414 or 1111 and tell President Obama you have had enough!


“No” On Government-Controlled ObamaCare – Start Over on Real HC Reform

Speedy Action Against the Gov’t of Iran

“No” On Cap and Trade

“No” More Bailouts or Stimulus 2

Support Our Troops

Everyone Read the Bills Before Signing Them, Including the White House

Listen to the People

Follow the Constitution

Get Rid of the Czars or Have Congress Vet and Approve Them

No More Government Money or Contracts to ACORN

And/Or Whatever Else You Have To Say

Posted: Knowledge Creates Power – Cross Posted: Daily Thought Pad

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