Thursday, October 1, 2009

12 Suggested Steps To Help Get Our Country Back!

1) Engage/Re-Engage with Family, Community and Spirit*

· family meals, family vacations and quality time…without blackberry!

· organize neighborhood block party, join civic organizations.

· find positive ways to dialogue about concerns with government.

· volunteer at your child’s or the neighborhood school.  it will also give you a better chance to see what is going there and what is being taught.  Checkout the textbooks.

· find the people who are looking and willing, or are at least open, to making a difference.

· remember- there is nothing more obnoxious than the preaching of a reformed smoker, and nothing more powerful than to lead by example.

2) Review Current Time Management, Eliminate “Junk Time” and Prioritize.

· would you rather watch survivor or survive?

· we each need to find 6-8 hours per week to dedicate to the cause, more if you have it.

3) Read the Founding Fathers, Early American History, Etc.

Recommended- John Adams by David McCullough, His Excellency - George Washington by Joseph J. Ellis, Benjamin Franklin - An American Life... by Walter Isaacson, Thomas Jefferson and the New Nation by Merill D. Peterson, Franklin and Winston by Jon Meacham, Truman by David McCullough  Re-watch the John Adams mini-series with you kids.

Also- Arguing with Idiots - Glenn Beck, What Americans Really Want...Really!- Frank L. Luntz

Three Must Read Book Suggestions and Reviews

4) Rediscover the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights!

· order pocket size copies at for 50 cents each (when you order 50).

· start a local “Constitution Club” study group.

5) Add Local Representatives & Elected Officials To Your Database

· establish periodic routine of communicating your feelings & concerns as a tax payer.

· let them know you are paying attention!

6) Identify Social Avenues of Expression Based on Your Talent & Comfort Level.

· blog sites, letter to the editor, facebook, my space, twitter,  emails to your list, etc. (Read information from both/all sides, but check in regularly with sites, radio shows and TV broadcasts that share your views or interest you. And then share the information with everyone.

· Very important ! Do not get sucked into the slime pit of personal attack- Stay on issue and stay on the high road.

7)      Attend Tea Party Events!! This Will Be The Wind In Your Sails! Go to a Town Hall Meeting if there is one in your area and join some online groups like the The 912 Project and As a Mom... Sisterhood for Patriot Moms.  Then help organize some local events and go to as many as you possibly can.

8)  Identify Like-Minded Patriots Willing To Run For Office & Support Them… Or Run Yourself.

9)  Remember who in Congress, the Senate, the White House, State Government and local Government… the School Board that has voted and consistently votes against your beliefs, against the Constitution, and against the good of the Country and work to get them out of office.

10) Invoke The Founding Fathers & Envision The Rebirth Before You Close Your Eyes Every Single Night. (This will program the subconscious mind)

11) Clear Your Mind With 15-20 Minute Meditation Every Morning. Begin By Setting Intention! (i.e.; The awakening of every American Citizen!)

12) Keep a Journal.  We are living in historic times.  America, or at least the America we all grew up in, is in the fight of its life, for its moral fabric, its principles and its future.  Record it…

The question for you is:

Will you even take notice what is going on?

Will you stand there and watch it happen without a peep or rely on others to do the right thing?

Will you stand-up for your principles and for the greatest Country the World has ever seen and fight for your rights and America’s survival?

* We need to connect/reconnect to our higher power. The Founders provided for this “energy” much the same as the architect’s blueprint maps the electrical system of a house. We can do this in a Church, Temple , Mosque, Nature or with an Eckhart Tolle book.

Stand Up America

Please come visit Knowledge Creates Power and the Daily Thought Pad often for updates and checkout the additional recommended books on both sites.

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