Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What Will Stop Them From Lying To Us Again.. And Again… And Again?

What If They're Lying To Us Now... What Will Stop Them From Lying To Us Again... And Again... And Again?

     It's clear, someone is not being straight with the American people, and such a display of mendacity simply leads us to ask more questions.

Red Star Can a government that is unwilling to act with transparency... a government that initiates investigations against those with opposing views... be trusted to act in the best interests of the American people... of you... of me?
Red Star If ObamaCare is egregious now, what will it look like in a year... or two years... or five years... will they even bother to tell us... or will every change to ObamaCare be made behind closed doors in a smoke-filled room?
Red Star Do we really want to empower the same government that is fouling-up cash-for-clunkers... the same government that is fouling-up our economy by effectively taking control of private companies... the power to foul-up our health care?
Red Star Do we really want to empower that same government to determine which life-saving treatments we will receive... that our loved-ones will receive... or don't receive?
Red Star Do we really want government end-of-life counselors who would probably exhibit the compassion of IRS agents counseling us or our loved ones on life and death decisions?

      Of course not. But too many of our so-called leaders still don’t get it. They don't see the bigger picture.
     Instead of scrapping ObamaCare... throwing it onto the ash-heap of history...they're quibbling over what type of government-run health care they believe to be best for you and your family... and no one is fighting for you... for us... for the American people.

     When Baucus unveiled his new and improved (and unwritten) version of ObamaCare, legislators (Republicans and Democrats alike) piled on... in no time flat, over 560 amendments (to an unwritten bill that was nothing more than 200 pages of notes and ideas) were put forward.

     Senator Lindsey Graham perhaps said it best; "we’re making this up as we go… they’re trying to buy votes… the vision here is to pass something… they don’t give a damn what it is and nobody understands what they’re doing.”

     The American people for months have been sending the message loud and clear that they want no part of ObamaCare, period, regardless of what form it takes.

     The American people have been telling politicians in Washington that no amount of so-called "compromise" will make Obama’s government-run health care scheme acceptable or palatable.

     And yet, these politicians keep talking... they keep amending... they keep"negotiating" ... they keep trying to "compromise" and reach "consensus" ... in short,they continue to waste time on something that no one wants.

     Is that ridiculous, or what?


Post #4 Response: BigBrotherWatcher

on September 29, 2009 05:37 PM ET

The reason they continue to do this, no matter what we say, is that ObamaCare, taking over the banks, taking over the media and Cap and Trade are all part of a much bigger plan... It is a Power Grab and a plan to fundamentally change the United States, as Obama said himself... "We are just 5 days away from fundamentally changing the United States of America".

The Goal

Making The Connections… (Part 1) – It is Time to…

Threatening every senator and congressmen with being voted out if they vote for any (anymore) of this and keeping the pressure on is step one.  Picketing in front of Congress is another.

But in the end... this whole revolution has been in the works since the 30's and Obama is finally the Progressive Movement's Chosen One... that they got elected because the American People weren't paying attention, didn't read the book written by and about Obama, didn't listen to what he was saying and got swept away in a whirl of rhetoric and lies that were peppered with underlying currents of white guilt and political correctness. 

There are consequences to elections and not paying attention but there are bigger consequences if we let it go on.  Hitler and Chavez were both elected... and then took over.  Castro was put in by us, as a friend to the U.S., and the Cuban people have never been able to get out from under.

Everything that has the possibility of being unconstitutional must be challenged in the courts, but that is a long process.  Voting everyone out that votes or voted for Obamacare, Cap and Trade or anymore bailouts, that is up for election in 2010 is a must... and the rest 2012!  But 3 more years of what is going on will have destroyed the U.S as we know it, so impeachment from the top down is certainly something to look at, especially if they push through ObamaCare when 56%+ of the American people are adamantely against it... and it will need to be challenged in the courts.  Most won't go into affect until 2013, so it could be revoked before then.

Obama himself, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Obama's czars and the list goes on all have allegiance and work for people and causes that have nothing to do the good of the United States or the American People.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s “Boss”? It Is Not Obama… (Try Apollo Alliance Director: Robert L. Borosage)

They are lying to us...!! This entire administration is a calculated lie and the only ones who aren't it are the ones who desperately want the lies to be true.  As the saying goes:  There are none so blind as those that will not see!  The information out there!

It is becoming so obvious that even the New York Times today assigned an editor to monitor Fox News for all the news they are missing (and have missed).  (and for the Beck, Hannity and O'Reilly haters... they don't make the news, they 'present'  film, information and people that verify, share and prove what is going on).

A perfect example of the media bias is the event up in Seattle for Beck over the weekend for 70,000 peaceful people.  What was covered by the news?  40 protestors outside.  And every 'true' example of violence that the Dems keep talking about over the past months has been from the left.

Is Impeachment from the top down an option… Definitely!!

Hat Off to AARP Contributors…

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