Monday, September 28, 2009

Review of International Affairs - Week of 9.20.08 – 9.26.09 Plus a Few Domestic Highlights

Netanyahu Slams U.N. for Giving Ahmadinejad Forum: 'Have You No Shame?

"The man who called the Holocaust a lie spoke at this podium. To those who refused to come and to those who left in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries. But to those who gave this Holocaust denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere -- have you no shame? Have you no decency?"

Mideast Paradigm Viewed Through Midwest Lens – Mike Huckabee

Obama Praises Himself, Apologizes for America Again and Puts Israel on the Chopping Block in his U.N. Speech and as Always Misses the Mark on Iran


September 24, 2009

Chavez: 'Smell of Hope' at U.N. Now

Chavez: 'Smell of Hope' at U.N. Now

September 24, 2009

Kiss of Death? Qaddafi Says Obama Should Be Prez Forever

Kiss of Death? Qaddafi Says Obama Should Be Prez Forever

September 23, 2009

Shift: Obama Considering Biden's Plan For Afghanistan

Shift: Obama Considering Biden's Plan For Afghanistan

September 23, 2009
Gore Warns Climate Change Lawsuits Are Coming

Gore Warns Climate Change Lawsuits Are Coming

Busted: World Bank's Global Warming Hypocrisy

Cap & Trade Will Depress Home Prices



Obama to Usher In New World Order at G-20

Iran Reveals Existence of Second Uranium Enrichment Plant


Kirin Skinner:  More Powerful G-20 Potentially Dangerous to US - Video

If you read up on The New World Order, something that people have talked about and feared for years there are always some common threads, no matter which version you read.  Here are two, and the when you look at the present day happenings it is getting harder and harder to excuse it as the ravings of nut jobs:

I. The Melt Down Of Financial Institutions:

A) The dismantling of American Savings & Loan Banks in the 1990s caused by the Fed’s high-interest loans to the US government & forced low interest loans of the S&Ls.

B) The dismantling of independent banks such as the recent takeover of Bear Stearns byJP Morgan and the Jewish-owned Federal Reserve Bank. (Bear Stearns was forced by the Fed to loan money to unqualified borrowers or be sued causing its collapse.)

C) The dismantling of national banks by the Jewish International Finance Cartel run by the Rothschilds of London & France.

II. The Melt-Down Of National Borders:

A) The invasion of illegals into the US.
B) The invasion of Muslims throughout Christian Europe.
C) The invasion of alien cultures into the Christian West.

On Friday it was announced that:  Obama Cuts Border Patrol Agents – as of Oct 1st by Nearly 400 – Video (1300 miles of U.S. Border are not effectively under control.  There are drug wars in Mexico and the threat of more terrorist attacks is high… so ask yourself why?  Perhaps to create an emergency to allow… You fill in the blanks.  (But it appears that due to pressure and outrage over the weekend, the reduction has been scrapped, as least for now… most articles referring to the border patrol reduction have also been pulled… but it proves that “the people” can make a difference!)

The ‘family photo’ from the second day of the G-20 summit in Pittsburgh – promoting NWO

September 25, 2009

Friday was “Islam on Capital Hill” Day…




Report: Obama Told Petraeus and McChrystal to 'Scrub' Assessments

Report: Obama Told Petraeus and McChrystal to 'Scrub' Assessments

People… We Have Problems on All Fronts!

If you haven’t heard about most of this news (above) or just barely a mention… you might consider changing your news source.


GOP's next target: John Murtha's airport

Conservatives feel as if they’re on a roll these days, with White House adviser Van Jones chased out of town and ACORN funding deleted in an appropriations bill.

So their next stop? Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha’s airport.

Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) has asked for a vote to remove federal funding from the John Murtha Airport in Johnstown, Pa., which has received upward of $150 million in subsidies even though it has only three flights a day — all to Washington.

The House killed a similar amendment in May, but that was before the real surge in public dismay over federal spending and before the town hall chaos of the August recess. So the Senate vote could be different — and it may be harder to say no to such an amendment while the Senate is just starting to digest the $800 billion health care bill.

“This is a test to see how serious we are about stopping wasteful spending,” DeMint said in a statement. “If we can’t stop this ridiculous abuse of taxpayer funds for a deserted airport, we can’t stop anything.”

On Friday, Senator DeMint’s amendment was squelched again…

Ron Paul: Obama Czars Are Unconstitutional

Bill Fist:  HealthCare Bill Could Implode System – Video

Some Solutions:

The U.S. is expected to spend about $36.7 billion on its foreign aid budget next year, but large chunks of that money will be going to countries whose leaders openly vilify the U.S. -- and to others that are already rolling in dough.

Much of the foreign aid budget is spent on military, disaster and humanitarian assistance. But some of the spending for 2010 will be heading to countries where dictators rule:

  • $98 million to persuade Kim Jong-il of North Korea to give up nuclear weapons
  • $20 million for political prisoners and political rights in Castro's Cuba
  • $6 million to promote civil society in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela
  • $500,000 for border security in Muammar al-Qaddafi's Libya
  • $26 million to help train police in Evo Morales' Bolivia
  • $56 million to support the rule of law and human rights in Vladimir Putin's Russia, arguably one of the world's richest nations

The question is, do any of the programs work? Many Critics say some recipients of U.S. aid are capable of covering the costs themselves.

In Colombia, where the U.S. spent $38 million to improve human rights in 2008, State Department auditors concluded five of six program areas failed.

The U.S. provided $18 million to improve governance in Honduras, but auditors found nearly all of the 28,000 trained by the U.S. will be replaced after elections in November.

Elsewhere, the Office of Middle East Programs oversees almost $4 billion in U.S. aid to countries like Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. Auditors found it nearly impossible to evaluate program success because the office operates without a management plan and didn't have any reliable data to actually measure anything.


Obama Administration Giving $400K to Qadaffi Charity?!

Obama Administration Giving $400K to Qadaffi Charity?!

Then… Yesterday at the Congressional Black Caucus Dinner:

Obama Links Civil Rights To Health Care: "We Cannot Wait Any Longer"  -  Is Anyone Surprised?

President Barack Obama used a dinner-time address to the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Saturday night to make an impassioned plea for health care reform, placing it in the tradition of the civil rights struggle. Obama, who last year addressed the group as one of its members, was hailed as "our great president" by caucus chair Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.). The crowd was jubilant as Obama came to the stage with first lady Michelle Obama, who Rep. Kendrick Meek introduced, saying she had "brought a new flavor to this country."

Read The Full Article

Feeling Overwhelmed??? That Is the Idea… Part of the & Saul Alinsky (Rules for Radicals) Strategies… Overwhelm the System Until It Collapses Onto Itself

More ACORN Scandals and More Facts About White House Radical Connections… at Hand. Will the Mainstream media cover them?

Posted: Knowledge Creates Power & the Daily Thought Pad – Visit Both Daily for up to date and past information!!

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