Thursday, September 10, 2009

Rep Joe Wilson – Let’s Move On!!

Joe Wilson's Moment

Joe Wilson got carried away because he knows what is in the bills and what the Republicans have tried to fight for that has summarily been ignored or voted down.  Didn't we all see dozens of Republicans and Moderates with bills and amendments in their hands that they waved at the Prez when he said he'd take all suggestions?  Definitely something to remind the the President about.

I am not defending Joe Wilson's choice of venue, but isn't this just typical of the left to shift the focus onto a Republican that knows his stuff and got carried away... and said something that lots of people think?  I have heard several people talk about Rep Wilson today explain that he is pretty savy on this bill and the numbers.

And if you read the bill (HR 3200) and understand it ((or can extrapolate) you know that the president's speech was filled with untruths, whether stated directly or implied in he bill(s).

The math doesn't add up;  they are going to use 'the don't ask don't tell' method to cover illegals with the public option (there is provision for free translation services into English in the bill... Hello who would need this if we aren't covering illegals?); there is a provision for required 5-year (duty to die) lectures in H.R. 3200 and additional ones if you health changes... and let's get real when we see how far off the White was on their debt figures (2 trillion) does anybody for a minute believe they are going to get this right.  And all the Medicare 'waste' money?  If that were the case, someone would have already done or at least started it if the real focus was healthcare reform and not a power grab. Every Country that has some type of government-run healthcare has tons of fraud and waste and they virtually all have rationing and doctor shortages.  Why, with our pathetic record of success with Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans' Benefits, Indian Affairs, the Post Office, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the list goes on would we even consider the notion that they could do this right.  Come on... we all weren't born yesterday!!  And the list of Obama's untruths (lies) goes on!!  Common Sense would dictate... let them fix all those things first and then we'll talk.  Competition is always the best avenue... and then add some serious tort reform that they all all afraid to touch. 

According to Judge Napolitano if there is a Federally funded public option where we cover everybody, by law, illegals must be covered.  It was tested last year in California.  If we don't want that we need to focus on immigration reform!  So in reality.... You Were Right, Joe!  Also did you notice that the uninsured number changed last night in Obama’s speech?  30 million instead of 46 million?  HMMM?

When thinker and writer Thomas Sowell gets to the point that he writes an article like: Listening To A Liar or Ben Stein writes We've Figured Him Out we need to at least think about it.  It isn't Glenn Beck or David Horowitz that the left loves to ignore.

This whole Rep Wilson thing is another diversion that the media and other lefties have jumped on to move the focus.  But what about when Nancy Pelosi called the CIA liars or Harry Reed called the president a liar???  Joe Wilson got carried away with his feelings and said what many have thought or wanted to, as the Green Cosmic Rabbit said.  He then immediately apologized and the White House accepted it.  Done, Over, Finished except to send the guy an ‘atta boy’ for really caring!!  I for one respect someone with some guts and deep feelings... even if it wasn't the proper time and place.

Come on just watching Queen Nancy wishing for another Prozac, or the like, as she was jumping out of he skin  (the women that called concerned Americans angry mobs and Nazis and lied about swastikas) and Biden shuffling his his notebook as the plugs stood up on his head was worth it... Wasn't it?  She certainly never apologized for her public attack on the CIA!?!  And neither did Harry Reid!  And did I hear President Obama call Sarah Palin a liar as well as denouncing radio and cable TV talk show hosts and prominent politicians in his speech last night… because they disagree with him or are pointing out some things he doesn’t want noticed?

This entire exercise is riddled with deals with same old entities... Big Pharma, the AMA, Lawyers,as always and a huge bigger agenda from the White House.  All this propaganda and there isn't even a bill... Hello???

It is time to dump this entire mess and start over.  There should be no public option, government-run co-op or trigger... PERIOD!  The solution should not cost the American People anything additional if we do it right.  And it should be bipartisan!

The word is that no Republican has been asked to the White House Today for their input.  Tim Pawlenty and a group of GOP Governors will be holding a teleconference tonight… something we should all listen to!

Ask Marion~

Posted: Knowledge Creates Power – Cross Posted: Daily Thought Pad

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