Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Officer Tells Town Hall Protester: ‘This Ain’t America No More’

A Few of the Comments:

Oh Patriot Says: This administration has a total disregard of the Constitution as have many other administrations before; lets see Teddy Roosevelt(R),Woodrow Wilson(D)one of the worst progressives of all time, Clinton(D) both Bushes(R) and now Obama and and at least half of the Dems. in Congress.

The progressives think that the Constitution is obsolete and it is their desire is to abolish it. The only time they refer to the Constitution is when they can find an article that works to their advantage.

Pepper K Says: URGENT………….Obama going after the kids:
Mark the date down, Sept. 8, 2009, Barack Obama will address to all students Pre-K to 6th grade! This is unprecedented, never before has this taken place in America anyway!

Call your principal. Know what is happening in your kids school.

Perhaps the first step in preparing students for Americorps and building a civilian army. I believe we’ve seen this process before?!?

Romulan Says: He's right. We are now subjects of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Amerika (DPRA). The Kingdom of King Obama Da 1st, the Annointed one, the Imam and Chief - the new Messiah. We should be happy that we are all going to drink the kool aid that will give us Obamagasms and allow us to see the vision of a brave new world controlled by Obamamaniacs. They will take care of everything. We will never want, we will have the Gubment take care of us and we will sing praises to the Imam and Chief 5 times a day.
Rick from Ohio Says: I just called Fairfax County Schools and registered my complaint. They are definitely overwhelmed and the girls attitude was "oh God, not another call about that guy". There is no rule about posters with pictures on school grounds. Thanks David on the James River.
Gomerspile Says: I emailed the fairfax county PD, they have pointed me in the correct direction, I edited the name of the person sending me this info.., this Wesley Cheeks is NOT a Fairfax County police officer; he is a security officer employed by the Fairfax County Public Schools. You may go to http://www.fcps.edu to contact the School's Department of Communication and Community Outreach concerning this matter.

They may also be reached by phone at 571-423-1200.
Thank you.

Administrative Assistant to Chief Rohrer
Fairfax County Police Department

The man is a rent a cop, here is his info. Thank you Fairfax county

He was probably an ACORN or SEIU Plant.

Orkydorky Says: More proof there's a full scale attack on the right to free speech. Plans to shut down the internet, silence radio, and already main stream media is taken over! The communists are certainly coming. America WAKE UP before it's to late!
PigsMayFly Says:

Where is the ACLU......?

62andAngry Says: Folks - the PRECISE reason that we CANNOT give up. We need to peacefully harass the H#LL out of everyone. Play patriotic music LOUD from the car radio, wear red, white and blue T-shirts. Call, Call and Call some MORE!! We're up to it - let's make them cry UNCLE!!!!

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