Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Obama Perhaps Too Personally Conflicted About Both Race and Religion to be a Post Racial Person

Obama's friends
Wondering what President Obama is thinking? That's easy -- take the President's very own advice. In the third Presidential debate he told America if they wanted to know how he's thinking on an issue, just look at who's around him. We took him up on that one and the result of  'look at who's around him' is quite frightening. From 'rights for animals to sue' to 'forced abortions' to 'global government,' Obama's friends all have one thing in common: crazy, radical viewpoints. Meet them HERE and HERE .

Quotes from Obama's books. Taken out of context or not, the pattern was and still is his equating everything to race, even though he denies it. 

From Dreams from My Father, "I CEASED TO ADVERISE MY MOTHER'S RACE AT THE AGE OF 12 OR 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites"


From Dreams from My Father, "The emotion between the races could never be pure..... the THE OTHER RACE (WHITE) WOULD ALWAYS REMAIN JUST THAT: MENACING, ALIEN AND APART"

From Dreams from My Father, "never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. IT WAS INTO MY FATHER'S IMAGE , THE BLACK MAN, THE SON OF AFRICA, THAT I'D PACKED ALL THE ATTRIBUTES I SOUGHT IN MYSELF.

From Dreams from My Father, "THAT HATE HADN'T GONE AWAY," he wrote, BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE,- SOME CRUEL, SOME IGNORANT,sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives."

From Dreams from My Father, "There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, TO SHOW YOUR LOYALTY TO THE BLACK MASSES, TO STRIKE OUT, and name names"

From Dreams from My Father, "I had grown accustomed, everywhere, to SUSPICIONS BETWEEN THE RACES.."

Quote from Barack Obama's book, Dreams from My Father: "The person who made me proudest of all, though, was [half brother] Roy .. He converted to Islam."

From Dreams from My Father, "In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school""I studied the Koran..

"From The Audacity of Hope: "Lolo (Obama's step father) followed a brand of Islam ...."I looked to Lolo for guidance".

From The Audacity of Hope, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

From The Audacity of Hope, "We are no longer just a Christian nation," "We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers."

Obama presented himself as the great hope for everyone, the post-racial (half-black/half-white) Christian President, with an understanding for the Muslim world, growing up in the islands and having family of Asian decent as well, who benefited from a system that included affirmative action, even though he had already written all the words above.  Then surfaced Reverend Wright with his “God Damn America” and clips of his anti-white rants in church, as well as evidence of Obama’s ties to radical Bill Ayers and a record of the most liberal voting record in the Senate; followed by Michelle Obama’s claim that “For the first time in my life I am proud of America”.  But America, including most “white” people, wanted Obama to be what he portrayed, so they looked the other way, they didn’t read the available books often written by Barack himself, and they voted for ‘hope’ and change, for a better Country… not for one they no longer recognized.

Obama is not who he presented himself as and actually appears to be anything but conflicted.  His statements and actions since becoming President are pretty clear. It is becoming exceedingly evident that there is no hope or positive change on the horizon; it is exactly the opposite.  The question is only, “Will America wake up and stand up quickly enough?”  Everywhere you go, people are realizing and verbalizing that something is not right.  When your gut is telling you that, you need to listen!

Do you ever wonder why someone as eloquent as Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t speak without a teleprompter and is so measured in his words?  We’ve heard community organizer, Obama, speak extemporaneously and with excitement in some old clips, so we know he can.  Is it perhaps that the teleprompter keeps our President on message and keeps his real feelings and thoughts from slipping out?

There are many parallels that can be drawn between events in recent history and Barack Obama and his White House Team.  Who will join the few brave souls that have already said for all of us, “The Emperor Has No Clothes”', before the average American no longer has a voice? The clock is ticking…

Ask Marion~

Some Suggested Reading, If You Haven’t Read Them Already!

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