Sunday, September 20, 2009

Norman Lear Group Targets Glenn Beck - Time To Stand-Up For Glenn and Freedom of Speech!!

A liberal advocacy group founded by TV producer Norman Lear has launched an attack on conservative talker Glenn Beck, saying his influence on the GOP is "shameful."

In an e-mail sent to supporters, People for the American Way's President Michael B. Keegan referred to last weekend's protests in Washington against President Barack Obama and the Democrats and rebutted the claim that as many as 2 million people took part.

"Officials estimated the crowd to be about 60,000," Keating wrote. "Significant, yes, but not indicative that these people are anything more than a vocal minority representing the views of only a small portion of Americans.

"A PFAW staffer who showed up to check out the scene talked to many participants, and when she asked why they showed up, an overwhelming number gave the same answer: 'Glenn Beck sent me.'"

Keating continued: "It is shameful that the GOP would give someone like Glenn Beck that sort of power. The Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of the world have been pulling the strings of the Republican Party for too long."  (What is shameful is that the George Soros’s, Teresa Kerry Heinz’s and radical liberals… American Progressives, with unlimited funds, have installed a puppet in the White House and are trying to manipulate every aspect of media, using the Norman Lears of this world!)

The e-mail cited an upcoming conference called How to Take Back America, claiming it will be hosted by "some of the most fringe players on the Radical Right," and asked for donations to help the group "fight back."

Meanwhile Fox News is disputing a claim by an African-American advocacy group that its call for a boycott of advertisers on Beck's Fox TV show has had a significant impact on its ad revenue.

Color of Change sought the boycott more than a month ago after Beck accused Obama of being a "racist" with a "deep-seated hatred for white people."

In a press release, Color of Change cited data from unnamed "industry sources" and asserted that the ad boycott "costs Glenn Beck over 50 percent of ad dollars."

The group claimed that 62 advertisers have "distanced themselves" from Beck, and the boycott is costing Fox nearly $600,000 per week.

A Fox News spokesman told TVNewser: "The Color of Change figures are wildly inaccurate on all fronts — revenue has not been affected in any way."

Source:  NewMax

Let the sane voices of America speak up and be heard!!  Tea Partiers, Town Hallers, 9/12’ers, Conservatives, Moderate Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, Republicans, Beck Viewers & Listeners and Believers in the First Amendment, we must stand up and fight for Glenn and against these radical anti-American Groups… Color of Change and now the Norman Lear Group !!!

Ask Marion~

Posted: Knowledge Creates Power & the Daily Thought Pad

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