Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Every Critic a Racist

During the presidential campaign, Barack Obama’s supporters promised that his election would allow America to “transcend race." Among the headlines:

The Boston Globe: "Obama shows an ability to transcend race”

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Obama's success suggests we can transcend race”

But of course that hasn’t happened. Jonah Goldberg writes:

It was Obama’s supporters who hinted, teased, promised, and prophesied that Obama would help America “transcend race.” But now, it is they who shrink from their own promised land…

From Day 1, Obama’s supporters have tirelessly cultivated the idea that anything inconvenient for the first black president just might be terribly, terribly racist.

Goldberg has plenty of examples:

For instance, actress Janeane Garofalo summed up the tea parties thusly: “This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up.” Garofalo, one of the most dysfunctional far leftists around recently said, “Tea Party Protesters 'Functionally Retarded Adults'; Says 'I Want My Country Back' Code for 'I Want My White Guy Back”

John Stossel is ABC News' Co-Anchor of "20/20" and New York Times best-selling author of Give Me a Break & Myths, Lies and Downright Stupidity. His "Give Me a Break" commentaries take a skeptical look at a wide array of issues, such as education, the economy, parenting, and more.

Source: John Stossel's Take Commentary from Co-Anchor of ABC News' "20/20"

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