Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dick Morris Says Obamacare Will Replace Medicare

Dick Morris is worried that complacency among citizens could result in a disastrous healthcare overhaul costing Americans for generations to come.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, Morris was asked if he thinks Democrats will do what Senator Chuck Schumer has alluded to: ram health reform through without any Republican support using a process called “reconciliation.” That requires only a simple majority instead of 60 votes.

“Yeah, I think they’re going to try it. I think there’s no chance that they’ll get 60 votes, there’s no chance of any real Republican support,” Morris said. “They’re going try and jam this thing through, and of course, it will pass the House because they march in lockstep.”

See Video: Dick Morris warns that complacency could destroy America’s healthcare system - Click Here Now

“So it is absolutely crucial for us to be aggressive and active in taking the steps to fight it,” he said.

The key is spreading information about the mammoth healthcare bills, Morris said, and mobilizing the conservative grassroots.

“Newsmax.com has a lot of the information; my website DickMorris.com does as well. We need to run ads in all of the states that swing-state senators live in, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, Indiana, Connecticut, whole bunch of those states, and really force those senators to vote as their constituents want.”

“The fact that public opinion is moving against this legislation does not guarantee its defeat, because he (Obama) can still ram this thing through.”

Morris notes that senior citizens will pay the biggest price under the overhaul.

“This healthcare reform proposal really is the repeal of Medicare,” Morris said. “That’s really what it comes down to, because they’re going to provide medical care to 50 million new people without expanding the number of doctors or nurses,” he says.

“You can’t do that; you can’t just write a check for more healthcare, got to have more doctors or more nurses to administer it,” he added. “That means there’s going to be less health care for each person and that will force rationing.”

What will endanger the elderly most, Morris said, is the rationing of heart and hip operations – which comprise the bulk of elder care.

“Rationing involves a decision that is supposedly rational as to who should get care and who doesn’t get it,” Morris explained. “And inevitably that’s going to mean saying no to the elderly, no to people that want hip transplants, no to people that need new knee surgery, or no even to people who have bypass surgery.”

Morris cites the medical care system in Canada as an example of why socialized medicine doesn’t work.

“In Canada, where they have a system like this . . . there is an eight-week wait for cancer radiation: you have cancer, you have to wait eight weeks. There’s an eight month wait for colonoscopies and as a result the incidences of colon cancer in Canada is 25 percent higher than in the United States,” he said. “The top drug we use to treat colon cancer, Avastin, is not permitted in Canada and the result is 41 percent of Canadians who get colon cancer die of it as against only 32 percent in the United States. Sounds horrific, but those are the stakes,” Morris said.

And remember the Dems are set on covering the illegal aliens, meaning a younger illegal will get the treatment before a senior who has paid into the system all their life, if rationing goes into affect.

Since Democrats have enough votes to pass the overhaul without any Republican support, why are they trying to win some GOP votes?

“They’re worried about needing Republican support because they know how unpopular this thing is going to be when it’s adopted and after it’s taken effect, and we’re not just talking about the medical portion, we’re talking about the tax hikes, too,” Morris said. (Probably big tax hikes).

“So they want to be able to say this was a bipartisan bill, don’t blame the Democrats, Republicans put it over the top, too, just like they do with the stimulus package now where they got three Republicans to come on board. But I don’t think the Republicans are going to bite on this one.”

See Video: Dick Morris warns that complacency could destroy America’s healthcare system - Click Here Now



August is THE crucial month! While the Senators and Congressmen are home in their districts, let's give them a barrage of attacks on Obama's proposals to deform our health system! Even as public opinion has turned against the plan, he still has sixty votes in the Senate and an ample margin in the House to pass it. Unless we unleash a FIRESTORM of public outrage, the bill will pass! And your own personal health care will never be the same.

Here's how to fight it:

1. Arm yourself with the facts: Read Chapter 4 in Catastrophe, "Obama's Health Care Catastrophe", which details how Obamacare will destroy American health care and explains what has happened in Canada!

2. Donate Money: The League of American Voters is running an advertisement Dick wrote in the swing states with key Senators. Give them as much as you can to run these ads.

Click here to see the ad and donate online!

To send checks by mail:

The League of American Voters
4152 West Blue Heron Blvd, Suite 1114
Riviera Beach, FL 33404

FedEx if possible! Time is of the essence.
We need to run these ads this month!

3. Email your friends, family and associates: We need a massive outpouring of public opinion. Email your Christmas card list, your colleagues from the office, your friends, and your family. Bring them the facts about health care and Obama's dangerous proposals. Think particularly of anyone you know in the following states

(where the key Senators live):

a. Maine (Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snow)
b. New York (Senator Kirsten Gillibrand)
c. Virginia (Senator Mark Warner and Jim Webb)
d. Indiana (Senator Evan Bayh)
e. Ohio (Senator John Voinovich)
f. North Carolina (Senator Kay Hagan)
g. Florida (Senator Mel Martinez)
h. Louisiana (Senator Mary Landrieu)
i. Arkansas (Senators Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln)
j. Nebraska (Senator Ben Nelson)
k. South Dakota (Senator Tim Johnson)
l. Iowa (Senator Chuck Grassley)
m. North Dakota (Senators Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan)
n. Montana (Senators Max Baucus and Jon Tester)
o. Wyoming (Senator Michael Enzi)

4. Write or call your Senators and Congressman: Then sit down and write (by hand if possible) a letter to each of your Senators and your member of Congress. If you are not sure who your Congressman or Senators are, go to these links to find out:



Simply address the letter to:

Your Senator or Congressman:
US Senate or US House of Representatives, Washington DC 20510 (Senate) or 20515 (House)

Sending a letter by snail mail is much more effective than by email.

They haven't really caught up with the 21st Century in Washington. So buy a real live postage stamp and mail your letters directly. Use the info from Catastrophe in your letter. Explain how your personal health care and that of our family will be adversely affected.

Even if your Senator or Congressman is a liberal Democrat or a Republican, write then anyway. It can influence the atmosphere in Washington. Senators and Congressmen talk and the more mail they get, the more public opinion weighs on them all. Even the ultra-liberals.

You can call Congress at (202) 224-3121.

Believe us. It works. Write today!

Stand-up… Speak-up, America!!

(Gibbs says Obama Will Not Read HC Bill)

After President Obama promised last week that he would sit down with any and all Republicans and any other Congresspeople and Senators that wanted to and review the Healthcare Bill line by line, Robert Gibbs said today that President Obama would not read the Healthcare Bill.

Let us hope that he will have to read it multiple times as congressional leaders to to the White House and hold Obama to his word that her would review any of the present bills and final bills with them!!

It is a disgrace and an insult to the American People that anyone would pass sign bills like Cap and Tax, Healthcare Reform and multi billion and trillion dollar Stimulus and Budget Bills without reading them!!!!

Related Resources:

Posted:  Daily Thought Pad

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