Friday, July 10, 2009

Obama’s Week Abroad…


Busted… When in Rome: End of Conversation About Republican Transgressions

Obama Apologizes At G-8 For America On Climate Change Hoax: United States "We Have A Much Larger Carbon Footprint Per Capita"

Nowhere to be found in this President is the belief that American is a shining city on a hill...

"I don't think I have to emphasize that Climate Change is one of the defining moments of our time, the science is clear and conclusive and the impacts can no longer be ignored. Ice sheets are melting, sea levels are rising, our oceans are becoming more acidic and we've already seen its effects on weather patterns, our food and our water sources, our health and our habitats."

(At 1:55)
"Developed countries like my own have a historic responsibility to take the lead, we have a much larger carbon footprint per capita, and I know that in the past (Bush again) the United States have fallen short of meeting it's responsibilities, so let me be clear, those days are over"

Today it was reported that the Climate Change Bill will be pushed back until September

2008, We can keep our homes on 72 Degrees, and expect the rest of the world is gonna say o.k.

China and India basically said: Good luck with that Obama/America, because we aren't participating. And while Obama is looking to worsen our economy, lose more jobs by forcing the green agenda as part of his ultimate power grab and nationalization process or "Remaking of America Agenda"... China is looking to stop buying our paper because of the state of our economy and then changing the world currency standard away from the dollar, thereby ending our Super Power status in the world. Hello, America... when do we say stop???

Al Gore, yesterday compared Climate Change to defeating the Nazi's

Obama Meets Pope, Makes It Out Alive

Obama and the Pope Obama survives the papal meeting. We are still waiting for details from both sides…

Earlier in the Week:

Obama’s Record of Apologies and Diminishment of his Country Continues…

And sure enough, in his speech in Russia Obama refuses to say that the West, primarily Ronald Reagan won the Cold War.

And now… Off to Africa~ And more apologies???

Sources: Fox Nation/HotAirPundit/You-Tube

POSTED BY Daily Thought Pad

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