Pelosi Pushes "Carbon Tax" TODAY - To Go On Vacation… Hmmmm… Pushing through legislation during the middle of the night or on the weekend that nobody has read that adds trillions to our debt, ultimately tons in taxes, and then going on vacation, sounds familiar. Only this time it isn’t ultimately. They are going to fast-track it and you new taxes are being voted on today… Saturday… and then the are going on vacation~ Call, Fax and Email NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cap and Trade = "Carbon Tax" Pelosi, Waxman and the Democrats are fast-tracking Obama's "Carbon Tax" to double your ALL your energy costs.
(Photo… Where is Joel Grey singing Money Money Money Money Money… for Me and My Friends from Cabaret?)
Pelosi plans a House Floor Vote TODAY to raise taxes for Obama with the NEW "Carbon Tax". She suddenly forced House committees to finish their work on the massive bill in less than 24 hours. Congressmen did not even get time to read the bill with hand written notes in the margin. Why you ask because it is time for her Summer Vacation and Pelosi and Waxman promised Obama they would push the “Carbon Tax”.
Congress Must Know About This Bad "Carbon Tax" Bill NOW!
Select Below to Tell Congress About the Carbon Tax Bill
FAX All Congressmen Educate Them About Obama's "Carbon Tax"!
It is poor judgment and bad policy to raise taxes in difficult economic times, Congress must not pass new taxes on the American people during a recession!
A Heritage Foundation study shows that electricity costs would go up 90% and gas prices would go up another 58%. In turn this will lead to an additional 2.47 million people losing manufacturing jobs.
Obama Pushes Democrats To Get In Line
Waxman and lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee met with Obama on to discuss climate change legislation. The result "We said we're moving it this year and Obama didn't object," Waxman said.
House Democrats leading the charge on President Obama's energy bill said they expect to mark up a bill by the Memorial Day recess and have final legislation passed by the end of the year.
Many Democrats Want Nothing To Do With BTU Tax II
Obama's ambitious agenda has some House Democrats are fearing a repeat of 1994, when the Clinton BTU Tax was a priority and the party lost control of both the House and the Senate.
At a leadership meeting in the Pelosi's Capitol conference room is has been reported that, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) argued that the House should move cautiously on a cap-and-trade bill if it doesn't look like the Senate will approve it.
With a lack of consensus on the varying proposals in the energy plan, Van Hollen has said the House should proceed cautiously on climate change and doesn't want vulnerable House Democrats - especially the freshmen under his care - to be forced to take difficult votes on the measure if it's not going to pass anyway.
A Typical Democrat Voter Response - Is the Spin Working?
This response it typical of what Democrats are saying: "Whatever it is...we're against it! Grand Obstructionist Party first...screw the country (may the economy and President fail for the greater good of the GOP we pray). These people are irrelevant. Pay no attention to those nude hikers behind the bushes." griff, seattle (Sent Tuesday, June 23, 2009 3:48 PM)
The Truth Obama's "Carbon Tax" Plan Taxes All Americans
It's sneaky. The Obama "Carbon Tax" or "Green Energy Tax" is a "Regressive Cap-and-Trade" plan that taxes every single person in America. Every time anyone flips on a light switch, tax dollars are collected. The Obama "Carbon Tax" plan doubles the price of your electric bill immediately. The tax money goes straight to Obama and his Federal Government bureaucrats.
Select Below to Tell Congress About the Carbon Tax Bill
FAX All Congressmen Educate Them About Obama's "Carbon Tax"!
Obama's "Carbon Tax" Plan Cost: $150-billion in NEW Taxes and a 10-Year Program To Develop Renewable Energy Supplies That Don't Even Exist Yet!
- Wind and solar combined can't even produce 1 percent of our needs yet
- Gas prices will be deliberately raised to make us cut back
- Heating bills will be forced up so much we'll be freezing in the dark
- Ethanol schemes are already shooting food prices through the roof
- Emission rules will be so harsh that jobs will flee to other countries
The basis of the Obama "Green Energy Tax" is the "Great Carbon Lie" that carbon emissions cause global warming. This has been proven to be completely wrong and based on bad science. Proof of this comes from Gore's own eco-friends at the United Nations with two simple pieces of data.
- Average Global Temperatures Have Decreased in the Last 10 Years.
- Carbon Emissions Have Increased 10 fold in the Last 10 Years.
Government Extortion of American Companies
This bill is just government extortion that aims at reducing greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. The Obama "Caron Tax" proposal requires energy companies to buy licenses from the government in order to emit carbon while producing electricity.
The bottom line here is that under the Obama administration's plan money from ordinary energy consumers will be taken out of their pockets to fund big government special interest spending programs in Washington and bailouts on Wall Street. That's why the White House put the expected revenue from its "Carbon Tax plan into the budget to pay for its spending programs.
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of faxes are needed to be delivered to EACH AND EVERY Congressman right away. Be sure to send this Alert to EVERYONE you know who wants to help FORCE our government to STOP the EXCUSES and Save Taxpayers Not Spend More and Raise Taxes!
Select Below to Tell Congress About the Carbon Tax Bill
FAX All Congressmen Educate Them About Obama's "Carbon Tax"!
Keep calling your Congressmen today, toll free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call toll 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at expanding the Obama Green Energy Tax Bill!
CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 expressing your outrage at incompetence in wasting tax dollars to increase energy costs.
NOTE: We need TENS OF THOUSANDS of faxes and PHONE CALLS and EMAILS delivered to ALL Congressmen right away!
Your voice can be heard - we need your urgent help at AmeriPAC.
Even smaller donations are going to help.
Any amount - $1000, $500, $250, or even $100 will help us fight the battle in Congress to tell Congress about the "Green Energy Tax Bill". It's time we stood up and said enough is enough! Please join us with your AmeriPAC donation TODAY. Thank you.
DONATE NOW. Stop Obama's "Carbon Tax" Increase!
For more information, visit
Defend America,
Alan Gottlieb
President and Founder
Please make checks payable to AmeriPAC:
American Political Action Committee (AmeriPAC)
PO Box 1682
Dept Code 2634
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Paid for by AmeriPAC, a federally-authorized and qualified multicandidate political action committee. Contributions to AmeriPAC will be used in connection with federal elections. Maximum contribution per individual per calendar year is $5,000. Contributions from foreign nationals and corporations are prohibited. Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
How Did Your Congressman Vote Yesterday????
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. -- Dante Alighieri / Often Quoted by Mark Twain
Call the switchboard for the House of Representatives in Washington today... your Congressperson and Nancy Pelosi and tell them "NO on Cap and Trade"!!!
1-202-224-3121- Switchboard
1-202-225-3121- Switchboard
(202) 225-0100 - Speaker of the House Pelosi
Speaker Nancy Pelosi or
If the web contact form doesn't work, use this email address:
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.
-- Dante Alighieri / Often Quoted by Mark Twain
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