Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Trump Says Miss California Can Keep Her Crown - Good Man... Good Job... Good For Freedom of Speech

Glenn Beck: Trump says Miss California can...

PREJEAN: Thank you all for coming. First of all, I would just like to thank Mr. Trump for believing in me and for allowing me to continue as Miss California USA.

GLENN: See if you can get her on tomorrow. That is really a ways, but

DAN: I'll call her.

GLENN: I mean, she's

STU: We're missing her

GLENN: Whatever. What did she just say Miss Universe empowers women? What fraction of her power does she lose when she's only on radio?

STU: Her opinions are important.

PREJEAN: I cannot count the number of fan mail that I've received in the past three weeks just of people expressing their support of me. They've confided in me that they have found hope and inspiration in my story. I want to thank my mom and dad who are here with me today and my sister. She is serving in the United States Air Force. I would like to thank her. Thank you, sis, if you are listening.

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Did she move in from another state? She's Christian and she's got somebody serving in the military in her family? She's not Californian. There's a real scandal here. Miss California isn't from California.

STU: San Diego.

GLENN: That's true, thank you. Sacramento.

PREJEAN: I was asked this question with a hidden personal agenda. I answered this question honestly and sincerely with my heart. I was very careful and articulate in saying I did not want to offend anybody and that this is how I was raised and this is what I believe a marriage should be, between one man and one woman. I was given a question asking for my opinion and I stated my honest belief. Not only do I hold this belief but as Mr. Trump said, the president of the United States, the Secretary of State and many Americans agree with me in this way.

GLENN: They are dying right now.

PREJEAN: Judge Number 8 began a cultural firestorm in the media.

GLENN: They have got to redefine themselves now. Because this is the winning argument.

STU: They can't let this stand.

GLENN: They can't. They can't. This is the winning argument, I think. It's the same, it's the same view that Hillary Clinton has and Barack Obama has. They've got to evolve now.

PREJEAN: And false allegations I have had within the last three weeks. To be standing here today on behalf of the great State of California and the greatest country in the world.

GLENN: And the greatest planet, out of all of the planets in the universe.

PREJEAN: Being in the center of a media firestorm is not something that I had planned or signed up for, but the days since have taught me to stand up for what you believe in, regardless of the consequences.

GLENN: Good for you.

PREJEAN: Personal attacks or disagreements. I am a strong woman and because of that I am now able to move forward.

GLENN: I actually want to hear I actually want to speak to her after this.

PREJEAN: I am excited to fulfill my duties and continue serving the great State of California. Let me be clear, I am not an activist or anything, nor do I have a personal agenda. I was thrown into this firestorm from the time I was asked the question on stage. I have become an advocate for the importance of not redefining marriage based upon my own upbringing and beliefs. While I am not the most vocal proponent of traditional marriage, it appears by my singular responsive become the most visible. I am proud to be an American. I'm proud of the freedoms we enjoy because of the behave men and women serving this country.

GLENN: Who would have thought a Miss Universe pageant winner would be the loudest, most visible voice out there, that would be the face of marriage?

STU: So many problems with that.

GLENN: There really, I mean, there's tons because she's also the leading one that has, you know, Google working overtime. They brought in extra people just to another damn search for her? No, that's not how you spell her last name!

STU: Did you mean P R E J E A N? Jeez.

PREJEAN: It undermines the constitutional rights for which my grandfather fought for. Mr. Trump has graciously asked me to speak from my heart today and I need to address some concerns, rumors and hateful

GLENN: Let's pause this. We've got to come back. Wow, we've got to see if we can get her on. That's fantastic.

Related Articles:

The Destruction of Miss California… And Freedom of Speech

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