Monday, May 4, 2009

Romney Speaks at the kickoff for National Council for a New America - Updated

Today Governor Romney is in Virginia with Eric Cantor and Jeb Bush speaking to a small group of citizens and the press about the launch of a new group the "National Council for a New America."

The group will send party leaders across the country for a series of town halls on health care, the economy, energy and national security.

Sarah Palin and other Republican leaders will be joining the campaign to revive their party and hear what Americans have to say.

Check out the website

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Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney joked about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s and Rush’s    place on Time’s list of influential people, saying, “But was that the issue on the most beautiful people or the most influential people?”

In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” broadcast Sunday, Romney was responding to a question from the moderator as to whether Time’s inclusion of Palin and talk show host Rush Limbaugh on their list of “The World’s Most Influential People” was a positive or negative thing for the Republican Party.

Romney added, “I think there are a lot more influential Republicans than that would suggest.”  Since then that is all that is all that  anyone is reporting or  remembers hearing that Mitt said.

It was a joke… an off the cuff attempt at humor.  Have we really completely lost the ability to laugh??  If it was a political beauty contest Mitt would certainly have been in the running.

After his boss caught flak for his apparent dissing of Palin, Romney spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom spun the comment as just “a self-deprecating joke as to why there weren’t more Republicans on the list,” according to a report in Politico.

“I think there are 100 influential Republicans alone who have tremendous ideas and I hope that we can all work together to accomplish what we believe is best for America,” Palin said through a spokeswoman.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll conducted recently among 429 Republicans showed Sarah Palin with a slight edge over Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney as the preferred GOP nominee for 2012: Palin 29 percent; former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee 26 percent; and Romney 21 percent.

According to the Politico report, Romney’s comments were unusually sharp – since these days GOP top officials ordinarily simply ignore Palin, leaving her off the rosters of the party’s rising stars – despite poll results such as the CNN survey cited above.

Romney let fly the zinger while appearing with House Minority Whip Eric Cantor. Both are part of a cabal of prominent Republicans seeking to enliven the GOP under the banner of the National Council for a New America.

Palin has thus far not been included on the Council -- reportedly because she didn’t respond to requests. However, her former running mate, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., went on the record recently saying that he hoped she would become active with the group.

Meanwhile, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush closed ranks with Romney and Cantor in presiding over the panel.

According to a Boston Globe report, Romney touted his service on the panel over the weekend, saying, “I’ve learned that when you sit in a position of responsibility as you do now and as we did once, you typically get the best ideas that really make a difference from people that you’re serving.” He cited his experience helping pass the Bay State’s universal healthcare plan.

But nothing Romney said at the conclave attracted the media attention more than his off-the- cuff Palin remarks to CNN.

As much as he and other GOP figures may want to deny it, Palin still attracts a strong following and remains the darling of the media – if not her own party.

“She’s bigger in the media than in reality,” commented GOP consultant Mike Murphy, a longtime adviser to John McCain.

“Palin,” he said, “is the only Republican politician right now who is interesting, a little different, connected to the last campaign and related to an occasional story in the National Enquirer,” according to the Politico report.

For his part, on the “State of the Union” show, Cantor was a whole lot kinder and gentler:

“You know, they [Palin and Limbaugh] are two individuals that have a lot of ideas, and our party should be about ideas. That’s what this effort is about and the National Council for a New America, and that is what they’re about. So I don't think any of us should have any monopoly on the ideas. And I know that there are some who like to make it all about personalities, but it’s about ideas. It’s about how we take this country forward.”

Source: Newsmax

When it comes to mainstream media coverage… the Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians and Independents just can’t catch a break…

In other coverage today the question raised was, “Is the Republican Party Just Too Far to the Right?”  What is with that??  The reason they lost the last election is because McCain wasn’t right enough and the party abandoned their principles.

Fox News

Fox News is wondering if the GOP is "too conservative." Listen live to Senator Lindsey Graham's response @1:20pm ET on Fox News Radio right here:

FOX News Talk


1 comment:

Reaganite Independent said...

Romney is a gentleman, and with a lot of character and class; IMO it is ridiculous to see some sort of wrong here. So move-along people... there's nothing going on here.

But Team Obama and the DNC have been employing despicable Alinsky-esque divide-and-conquer/character assassination techniques for months now... stoking fake "fights" like Rush vs. Steele, plus ceaseless ridicule of Jindal, Palin, even shameful distortion of the legacy of Ronald Reagan. Clearly, the strategy is to eliminate GOP rallying points and philosophical framework for 2010/12.

And liberals' double-standard sexism is appalling; Sarah's "dumb" because she's a happy and attractive Christian, who enjoys being a mother? REAL feminists need to be angry, wear combat boots, no make-up, short hair, and live alone in a studio apartment in the East Village? She's not the right kind of example because she doesn't support affirmative action... but instead went out there and just kicked butt?

What's been done to Palin and her family by the MSM is beyond-the-pale. But the left is so self-righteous, ala USSR, that they feel any means justify the ends... even editing her interviews disingenuously, digging through her closet, or and attacking her children in the national media.

The simple fact is that Governor Sarah Palin has been highly successful in life while completely ignoring the left-wing feminist model... this helps to explain the extra dose of venom in the attacks. She turns their fantasy world on it's head, and with a smile.

Dems are plenty afraid of Palin coming-back at them in 2012 with a dynamic and complementary VP like Bobby Jindal... or visa versa. And they have plenty of reason to fear her-

Palin is the most popular governor in the country; her 60+% approval rating exceeds that of the MSM-pumped Obama... are all those people up there idiots?

Alaska was a pretty corrupt system until she stepped in. Her reforms took on entrenched politicians (inc. Republicans), a mafioso-style union boss, and Big Oil.

Wouldn't it have been nice if Obama had been principled and brave enough to confront the corrupt Chicago Democratic Machine?

Shady political operators like Tony Rezko?

Racist preachers?

Instead of doing business with every last one of them?

Go get em, Sarah- and don't mind the press, nobody will be listening to them anymore after the pending Obamamania implosion.