Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party Movement Update - Middle America Reaches Tall… Mainstream Media Falls Short


4000 at Tea Party - Chicago

The attendance numbers for the Anti-Tax Tea Parties are in…  800,000 on the high end, 600,000 on the conservative side.

Some of the larger Tea Parties:

--  20,000 in Atlanta, GA

--  16,200 in San Antonio, TX

-- 12,500 at City Hall in New York City – one of 27 Tea Parties in New York

--   6,000 on Broadway in New York City

-- 10,000 in Sacramento, CA

-- 10,000 in Overland Park, KS

--   7,500 in Dayton, OH

--   7,000 in Nashville, TN

--   5,000 in Dallas, TX

--   5,000 in St. Louis, MO

--   5,000 in Santa Ana, CA

--   4,000 in Chicago

The Attendees were:

Not fringe Republicans as the mainstream media tried to paint these events.

They were (and still are) Disappointed Democrats, Moderates from both parties, Reagan conservatives, Republicans of all types, Libertarians, Fiscal conservatives, Advocates of a New Third Party, all: races, religions, economic groups, men, women, kids, gays, Straight people, even some Hollywood Heavy-Weights took a bus up to the Sacramento California Tea Party who were standing up for Common sense, not a democratic or republican issue, and for the true values of capitalism.  They were tired of big government, of both parties, ignoring them:  the Bush Administration, the Obama Administration, the present liberal Democratic Congress and Republican Politicians who have not fought for them.

And it this Tea Party Movement all about??

  • It’s About Forgotten Man and Woman  - Middle America
  • It's about the idea that we're all socialists now.
  • It's about the idea that the government can force companies, banks and states to take money and the strings that are attached to it, that they didn't want.
  • It's about power — too much power going to federal government.
  • It's about corruption — too much corruption, in both parties.
  • It's about the rule of law — that no one is above the law: if you're here legally or illegally, it applies-never too rich or powerful.
  • It's about if you write the tax code you should pay your taxes.
  • It's about the Republic, not mob rule.
  • It's about the concept of free speech — we've been called insane, lunatics and worse, just for speaking out.
  • It's about the years of lies from both parties — a Republican Party that claims to be for small government but gives us Medicare Part D that's got $17 trillion in unfunded liabilities.
  • It's about hypocrisy — both parties claim to be the most ethical, but we get corruption and not one damn person in Washington to speak out against it.
  • It's about the media that gets into bed with one party and has moved so far left that it can't even begin to see we're not extremists, we're moms and dads who just want to have a Republic for our children; but they can't see it.

And the proof of the mainstream media missing the boat and backing only one party was the lack of coverage of the Grassroots Movement.  They missed the meaning.  They missed that fact that it was the awakening of the Forgotten American who is sick and tired of being sick and tired!  Instead of paying attention and reporting the ‘news’ they tried to change the news in a political conspiracy started by Fox News, who just honest and smart enough to realize what the Tea Party Movement really represents.

It’s about:

  • Bush and Obama spend or put us on the hook for $12.8 trillion, but I'm the extremist?
  • Cap and Trade without any plan on who pays the taxes or where the money goes, but I'm the extremist?
  • States are looking to apply retroactive taxes — that's like changing the rules in the middle of the game — but I'm the extremist?
  • Vilifying AIG executives, without any law being broken, just for accepting money they were owed, but I'm the extremist?
  • Bush and Obama have taken over and want to take over banks, car manufacturers and insurance companies, but I'm the extremist?
  • The politicians in the House and Senate stuff $20 billion in pork and earmarks into spending bills when we have to beg the Chinese to loan us that money, and I'm the extremist?
  • A Supreme Court justice and Harold Koh, who will help run the State Department, talk about trans-nationalism and by definition a diminished role for the Constitution, but I'm the extremist?
  • Politicians openly talk of the Fairness Doctrine — or its ugly twin, "localism" — and curtailing my free speech, but I'm the extremist?
  • Unions and big labor politicians want to take away the right to a secret ballot, but I'm the extremist?

The Government’s Answer was to call these people who were just standing up for their rights as possible right-wing radicalized extremists.

TEA BAG UPDATE: More than 1 million tea bags delivered to Washington, D.C. near White House.

Fox News televised the partial unloading of more than 1 million of our tea bags at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C. near the White House on April 15th (note background of photo)! Unfortunately, representatives of The Patriot Depot and were told by National Park Services officials to reload the truck. Why? Even though the original protest permit was approved, our tea bag team was conveniently told that it was not the "proper" permit. This is an absolute outrage and a denial of our First Amendment rights, which read:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

 But our tea bags are not leaving the Capitol City any time soon! We've just set up a towering display of more than 1 million tea bags at a new location in Washington, D.C.—the headquarters of a free market think tank, The Competitive Enterprise Institute. Your tea bags are sending a loud and clear message: Enough is Enough!


Even though more than 1 million tea bags are already on display in Washington, D.C., several hundred thousand remain unsponsored. You can still help us offset our protest expenses by sponsoring a tea bag for just one dollar! Sponsor 25 tea bags for just $20 and we'll send you a FREE 2-pack of our best-selling bumper sticker, I'LL KEEP MY GUNS, FREEDOM, & MONEY, YOU CAN KEEP THE "CHANGE!" We have big plans for these tea bags, so stay tuned!

Tea Parties will continue around the country this year (including July 4th and the anniversary of the original Tea Party on December 16th ), so we're still offering FREE T.E.A. Bumper sticker (87 cents shipping and handling). Also check out our yard signs, picket signs, T-shirts, and more!


RETAIL $5.95 • ONLY $.87 Shipping & Handling • ORDER FREE T.E.A. Sticker!

RETAIL $25.00 • ONLY $19.95!

RETAIL $25.00 • ONLY $19.95!

RETAIL $94.95 • ONLY $39.95!
(3 Bumper Stickers, 1 Yard Sign, 2 Picket Signs)

Related Articles:

Next round of Tea Parties set for July 4th, 2009

Ask Marion – Knowledge Creates Power

Posted:  Daily Thought Pad

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