Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's Words on Arabic Network Gave the Wrong Message to our Enemies!

...says Brigitte Gabriel of Obama's first interview on Arabic Network: "His move would have been great if we are dealing with people who share our values and our outlook on life." While it is noble to talk about listening to others address their concerns and willing to hear what they are saying, when it comes to the Middle East he just enforced with his rhetoric "all too often the United States starts by dictating" the attitude of the Muslim Street against America.

President Obama discounted the fact that the United States has been listening to leaders in the Middle East for three decades and brokered a peace treaty between the Palestinians and Israel in 2003. While he wants to send a message of a change of policies in America under his administration to the Muslim Street, he is sending the wrong message with his words to our enemies.

The message was: "We are begging for you to have mercy on us because we are so weak and we do not want to fight you." The radicals are delighted with his action because now they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that America is going to be a pushover for the next four years trying to beg forgiveness and appease.

We have to think like our enemies and not like what we would do if this was us. America is the enemy of the radical Islamists in the Middle East from Iran to Syria to Hizbollah to Hamas to the Muslims Brotherhood.

America is not the enemy of the moderates in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait and the moderate regimes. These radicals are blinded by religious radicalism and believe they are on a mission to fight "the infidels" headed by the United States. That is not going to change unless you change the words of the Koran written by the Prophet Mohammed.

Obama's reference about Israel having to make tough choices and about the Israelis willing to give up territories for peace emboldens Hamas as well as Syria who wants to get back the Golan Heights - a very strategic point in northern Israel. What is his saying that Israel needs to withdraw from the West Bank like they did from Gaza in 2005 because that will give them peace? We saw what this type of appeasement earned Israel from Hamas.

Brigette Gabriel is author of:  They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It

Posted by:  Ask Marion - Daily Thought Pad

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