Friday, February 13, 2009

Preserve the Second Amendment has Partnered with the NRA for this Special Offer:

Join the NRA with Full Membership Benefits for 1 Year for $25.

NRA Reduces Membership Price for Human Events Readers

Dear Human Events Reader,

The United States of America in 1791 was a new democracy, in a new land. That year 10 Amendments were added to our Constitution. Those Amendments are known today as the Bill of Rights. A formal statement that the people shall have unalienable freedoms and that congress shall make no laws against those freedoms.

Amendment II
A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

President Obama’s Chicago, House Speaker Pelosi’s San Francisco and Attorney General Holder’s Washington, D.C. are a reflection of what they think of the 2nd Amendment. That it is just fine to infringe upon, impede and restrict your right to keep and bear arms.

Are these the officials you trust to protect your Constitutional rights?
Are these the people that will protect our 2nd Amendment?

Who will protect our Constitutional freedom? We the people. Through our strength in numbers we can send a message to those that disregard our 2nd Amendment will not be tolerated.

This is an invitation from Human Events, to you, to join the National Rifle Association. Our Founding Fathers pledged their blood, their treasure and their sacred honor. We can honor that pledge today with our membership in the organization that has protected our 2nd Amendment freedom since 1871 – the NRA.

Join, renew your membership or give the gift of membership. This is the single most important thing you can do to protect the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Join Our Fight to Preserve the 2nd Amendment Today!

Thank You,
Michael W. Piccione
Michael W. Piccione
Director, Special Products
Human Events

Join<br />Now!

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