Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thought For The Day - 10.01.08

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."  …Mahatma Gandhi, a political and spiritual leader of India

 Would you spend your entire life’s savings to save the life of a family member? Absolutely, without a second of hesitation. That realization should make it abundantly clear that far too many of us live our lives backwards — pursuing wealth, success, and pleasure. And hoping we live long enough to enjoy them. Live life right by putting your health first. Then the rest will fall into place.


The trick to a flat stomach and losing weight is having MUFAs at every meal and snack. What is a MUFA? It stands for monounsaturated fatty acid, which is found in nuts (walnuts and almonds are great choices), seeds, avocadoes, olives and flax and olive oils, and dark chocolate. So walnuts in my cereal? Flaxseed oil in my smoothie? Tapenade in my turkey wrap? Guacamole with my dinner? Totally doable!

"Jumpstart" your diet for about 4-days by having Mufas at every meal and snack, which is designed to not only lower the calories a bit more (an acceptable 1,200), but also to reduce belly bloat and gas so you have the visual proof that your gut is deflating.

Add 2 liters of Sassy Water -- a mixture of water with a lemon, a cucumber, grated ginger and spearmint leaves each day, for the first 4-days,strained of course, and you are on your way!

 Source:  Prevention  Magazine!

 Ad some GoChi and you are on your way to weight loss and good health, which truly is the greatest wealth!!

 Source:  Prevention  Magazine!

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