Monday, September 29, 2008

Trump: Silver Lining Is Declining Oil

Billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump is none too pleased with the markets, but he sees a silver lining.

Oil should be falling, Trump says, and falling fast.

“People aren’t talking about two very big issues, the war and the price of oil,” Trump told Fox Business News.

“If people knew how to speak to OPEC the proper way, the hard way, the tough way, oil would be down to $50 instead of $150,” Trump says.

There’s already far too much oil on the markets, and anybody in the oil business knows it. “They don’t know what to do with it,” Trump told Fox.

“If we got rid of this war, and we got oil down, this country would be unbelievable,” he said.

As for the $700 billion bailout, Trump is resigned that some kind of assistance for the banks will have to be arranged, calling the current market the “worst the country has seen since 1929.”

“It’s sad but it’s probably something that has to get done. The financial system is going to come to a halt. It’s a sad day for the country,” Trump said.

“Maybe things go to hell anyway. Nobody really knows what is going to happen.”

© 2008 Newsmax.

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