Monday, September 8, 2008

Thought For The Day - 9.08.08

"When people treat a predicament as a problem, they become frustrated, angry or depressed. They waste energy. They make bad decisions. And when people treat problems as predicaments, they often settle, give up, or see themselves as victims." 

…John C. Maxwell, Author of Difference Maker

 (So, the quickest way to increase your life satisfaction is to quit seeing your problems as difficulties and start viewing them as an enjoyable challenge.  You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control your reactions!!)

 Scream or Smile… 

The Choice Is Yours 

 The Psychology of Optimal Experience

We all have troubles. In many ways, they define our lives.

But, according to philosopher Abraham Kaplan, we can deal with them more effectively if we recognize them as either problems or predicaments.

The difference? Problems, says Kaplan, can be solved. Predicaments can only be coped with.

If you work in downtown
Baltimore, for example, you may be worried about crime. This is a predicament, not a problem. You can install a security system in your car, avoid the worst areas after dark, or arrange a transfer to a different office. But these are coping mechanisms. You are not going to "fix" crime in Baltimore.

A more serious predicament we all face is the occasional death of a loved one.

We can spend time grieving with family and friends, join a support group, or take up new activities to keep our minds from becoming preoccupied. But death itself cannot be bargained with.

Fortunately, most of our troubles are not predicaments, but problems.

You may worry, for instance, that you haven't saved enough for a comfortable retirement. If so, you have plenty of company.

According to the 2007 Retirement Confidence Survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), 36% of workers have less than $10,000 in retirement savings. Another 13% have less than $25,000.

Clearly, this is a problem, but one with a straightforward solution. You can make more. You can spend less. Or you can earn a higher return on your investments. (Doing all three isn't bad either.)

Or, you may be one of the millions of Americans who struggles with obesity. If so, it is probably having a detrimental effect on your health, your self-image, and your quality of life.

For some of us, this is both a problem and a predicament. After all, genetics determine your basic body type. As you learned in fifth-grade health, you were born an ecotomorph, a mesomorph, or an endomorph. You cannot change this.

But anyone can eat better, exercise more or both. Not easy, but there is a solution.

Why is it important to label the trials you face either problems or predicaments?

According to John C. Maxwell, author of "The Difference Maker," "When people treat a predicament as a problem, they become frustrated, angry or depressed. They waste energy. They make bad decisions. And when people treat problems as predicaments, they often settle, give up, or see themselves as victims."

Understand this and you've taken the first step toward dealing with your predicaments and solving your problems.

Nielsen Media Research tells us that Americans love reality shows where contestants are put in high-pressure situations and challenged to "win" using every bit of intelligence, cunning and resourcefulness they can muster.

Why not view your own problems the same way? If you have a boring job, an inattentive spouse, or a looming financial setback, why not use all your smarts, imagination and creativity to turn the tables?

My guess is that if you were in front of a national television audience - and in danger of being voted off the show - you'd come up with something pretty good, something that would surprise the people around you.

In fact, this is exactly what you should be doing, according to Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience." He argues that the quickest way to increase your life satisfaction is to quit seeing your problems as difficulties and start viewing them as an enjoyable challenge.

(He isn't the first to articulate this notion, incidentally. For centuries, Buddhists have embraced difficult people and situations as opportunities for spiritual development. Without them, what chance do you have to practice compassion, tolerance, or forgiveness?)

Facing your problems this way requires just two things: a bit of imagination and a positive attitude. The payoff, in turn, can be huge.

Whether you want to start your own business, lose 30 pounds, or get out of debt, you can begin by relishing the challenge.

You might surprise yourself, too. Not only by achieving your goals, but by seeing how much satisfaction you get just moving toward them in a disciplined way.

Think of it as your own reality show. (One that, ironically, actually deals with reality.) The obstacles in front of you give you the opportunity to show the world - and yourself - what you're made of.

Just remember that your predicaments require interpretive thinking and must be endured. Your problems require analytic thinking - and cannot withstand the sustained assault of creative thinking and positive action.

So why not attack yours today with a fresh mindset and a new attitude?

You have nothing to lose but your troubles.

Carpe Diem, Alex at SpiritualWealth

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