Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thought For The Day - 09.09.08

 "The Universe has basic laws like the ‘Law of Attraction’ that has been brought to the forefront in recent years, but there are others, including the ‘Law of Association’."   

If you associate yourself with someone, you are perceived to be similar / alike to that person in both positive and negative ways. 

If you associate yourself with a guru (someone successful) you're also seen as someone equally successful. 

If you're seen with rich and powerful people, you instantly also become rich and powerful - it's a fact of life! 

And in the same way, if you associate yourself with people who are going nowhere, you are seen as someone who is standing still.  

And if you associate with people who are dishonest or manipulative, you are seen as dishonest and manipulative. 

So the choices we make in friends, associates, mentors and sometimes even the family members that we choose to spend time with affects every area of our lives.  Everything is connected in one way or another, so where we are, is where we have chosen to be!!

 As our parents used to say… “Be careful of the friends you choose and keep!”

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