Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thought For The Day - 09-03-08

“I Don’t Care What You Say
 About Me As Long As You Spell My Name Right”  

…An old Hollywood adage about publicity, attributed to several people, most often George M. Cohan

 Good… bad… or indifferent… if you are a celebrity, a politician or in any arena where notoriety is part of your world, any coverage is good coverage and any ink is good ink… as long as they get your name right!   And for this, with all the ups and downs this past week, Sarah Palin and John McCain can be happy!


The media has swooped onto Republican Vice Presidential hopeful, Sarah Palin, like vultures on a feeding frenzy, forgetting their own power and turning all attention from last week’s Democratic Convention and his choice of Joe Bidden to the new gal on the block.

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