Sunday, September 21, 2008

Media Matters Publicizes Obama's 'Muslim Connection'

The far-left Media Matters for America organization attacked a radio talk-show host over a discussion of Barack Obama’s alleged Muslim ties and ended up giving wider play to what would have been mostly overlooked remarks.

An article in Media Matters stated, “On the September 10 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, G. Gordon Liddy hosted self-described former terrorist Walid Shoebat to advance the false claim that Sen. Barack Obama . . . is a Muslim.”

Liddy also did not challenge Shoebat's claim that the terrorist organization Hamas supports Obama, Media Matters complained, asserting that the claim is false.

During the interview, Shoebat — who attended school in the Middle East and is a Christian convert — said, "No one is called Hussein unless he is Muslim. So it is very clear that Barack Hussein Obama is definitely a Muslim…

"In Islam, in the law of Shariah of Islam, the Prophet of Islam said . . . whoever leaves the Islamic faith is to be killed,” but “he is not called to be killed by the Muslims. Why do they support him?

"I haven't heard a really serious testimony of his Christian conversion. A Muslim who converts to Christianity, the first thing he does is denounce Islam. Has Barack Hussein Obama denounced Islam as a false religion?"

Liddy responded: "No."

Media Matters went on to give “air time” to more of Shoebat’s explosive claims. The organization reported that Shoebat said Obama “would be extremely dangerous” as president. “He's already calling for dismantlement of nuclear weapons. He's already calling for negotiations with Islamists. He's already calling to help Arabs who are arrested in America. He's already professed to hold hands with the Muslims.”

Asked what Obama might have learned when he went to school in Indonesia, Shoebat said, “Well, when I went to a government school — you know, it wasn't a madrassa. He was not in a madrassa school, but it was a government school.

“And in those schools, from fifth grade, we learned what is called Islamic eschatology, that the day of judgment will not come to pass until the tribes of Islam destroy the tribes of Israel, the Jewish people . . . 

“We would learn that it's an honor for a Muslim to die as a martyr, to shed his blood for the cause of Allah. We would learn that the establishment of Shariah law is a mandate. We would learn that fighting jihad is a mandate against Israel, against the West, and those kinds of things. This is even in a government school, not even in a madrassa.”

Liddy asked if Obama, “would have been exposed to those things at the age of 10, in a government school over there in Indonesia.”

Shoebat said, “Yes. It would be the same thing. It would be exactly the same kind of an education system.” 


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